You will get declined for being the wrong covenant

It’s an erroneous comparison so really you shouldn’t give it any.

They’d also need to cap keystones and remove the mdi to fully remove a meta.

That’s not a wow I’d enjoy.

I don’t mind the being a meta. I’d just like freedom of choice within the systems to use what I’ve earned without being punished by time gates, quest lines, etc.

Class has always been in the game.

Covenants are being added tti a game where they’ve never existed, AND they add restrictions in addition to class.

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WOW everyone’s still freaking out about this. Here’s why it’ll be ok.

If you are in the wrong covenant, then just group with other players who are also in the wrong covenant.

NO ONE will have the perfect build for EVERY piece of content, and thus, you will always have players to group with.

I will get declined for many reasons

I do not agree with that. Look at Classic. They are requiring all buffs (world included) to do raids… that have been proven to be beat with a comp of naked players. People will always try to optimize no matter how easy the content is. The only way to stop that is to lock players into choices that can not be changed and then are rebalanced each patch forcing what was the best to now be the worst. Is that good game design? No. It does seem to be the path we are going down however.

That still wont work. You will just be expected to reroll another toon.

Tanks and healers will get away with it to a point. DPS will not.

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That decision will cost you precious time in lfg for something that might be so minuscule

And… getting declined for other myriad of reasons has existed since after WoW has launched, its no different.

To give my opinion on this, we have been declined at some point in WoW, it can be all the other myriad of reasons, it can be that the spec class is not meta for example, the situation here is no different, its another reason added as to why have you been declined, When you started the playing the game the choice boils down to which class and spec you will play and these classes and specs have all sorts of strengths and weaknesses, lets say you picked a Blood death knight, They can self heal, Ok AoE and strong utility (i,e Gorefiend’s grasp) but lack the single target damage and they are squishy if not played proper.

While I don’t champion the covenant system, its similar with the class choice and these covenants have their strengths and weaknesses, This will depend on the spec and class of which you play. While I do agree tying Class abilities to these covenants isn’t good design but when play testing on the beta so for with me playing WW monk and Fury Warrior so far with class covenant abilities, I genuinely felt like WW monks didn’t really have much of an impact, Faeline stomp is nice for AoE but the damage isn’t that high, Fallen order boils down on RNG same with bonedust brew and Weapons of order, Fury warrior Condemn is essentially execute but additionally ignore a portion of damage and can be used above 80%, for some others classes there may be impacts on some other classes with these abilities and I do understand you want all of them but the choice wouldn’t really matter.

As far as soulbinds go, while yes eariler builds they are op but with changes to them I feel like they are minor and situational based which to the point it is background noice.

With covenants in my opinion yes they aren’t good but the meta has existed in other games and will continue to do so and WoW is no exception, as I said we may have been declined for being the wrong class and this is no different with covenants, you have to either face acceptance and be contempt what you pick for the next 2 years or to have success in both worlds, create 4 of the same classes with one each covenant. You will still be declined even though you picked the right covenant, no matter what.



Oh dont worry guys its 5-10%…


Blizzard will likely nerf it into the ground AFTER it is live and people have selected it.

Ya, 2 of 3 months, after everyone is running it, then they will make it worthless. and say Oh BTW, you cant change it…

Honestly though, even then they likely wont nerf it tll 9.1 Blizzard does not care about balancing.

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I’m ok with that. Some choices better than others means that the choices you make have a bigger impact.

From questing? Doubtful

Also it is hard to trust said numbers like that.

Like yes compare the skills and one does more. But maybe the ven skill is meant more for burst stages on bosses to help you relax, while the necro one is made for aoe healing.

And the aoe healing one will not help as much during that burst stage.

Numbers don’t always tell the full picture.

  1. How sad
  2. Elitists will just activate their trap toon and blow past you with their Lamborghini strat. They might wave, but they probably won’t have time in between runs to bother.

The people that will be QQ’ing are those that are caught in repercussions. I would rather work things out so that while no one group is 100% satisfied, there is not a feeling of ill-will or betrayal surrounding this system.

After all, I like WoW. Something that we all have in common. So I don’t like to see it fail, as I want to continue playing it for some time to come.


Who calls WoW players nerds as an insult still lmao

You’re a nerd too, nerd.


The problem is that games can’t always be balanced around making everyone happy. At times we got to accept that one side is going to be unhappy, but the great thing about mmos is that, things never stay the same. So while the game changes to be more that some like, in the future it will change again.

Finding a middle ground is not always the right answer.

You spend so much time whinging about raiders, what happens if none of this happens and raiders just have a good experience?

Do you eat crow and admit you were wrong or do you fade away and hop onto a different toon?