You want me to level the same character twice?

Already have.

what were the other 2?

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i count three, including this one, the one i made

Okay that is still spamming lol.


What if they make transfers free but charged for copies?

not really. every reply i have made has had a purpose. its not like im just copy pasting something over and over again.

just auto copy everyone’s character data on tbc release night, that way nobody can manipulate it to their advantage since everyones data would be copied at the same time once.

He asks for 2. You post 2. He’s like, “That’s only 3.”


well technically he posted the same one along with a new one

In one thread, that makes sense. You could even argue that in the 2nd thread on the same topic that makes sense.

But then you had to make a third thread yourself. That’s the line. That’s when its spamming.

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No. Just to choose progression vs stagnation.

Up to you.

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right but if there are two servers currently and only 1 classic server and you transfer someones 20 characters to the one which get saved and which dont?

not when its me talking about the subject in a manner i want to start the conversation about. thats all this is bro, chill out. i know youre grasping for straws because i blew your dumb argument out of the water, but seriously you and mobikon need to chill tf out and leave me alone.

of tbc/vanilla? no.

i assume you mean vanilla


uhhhhh. the ones you transferred?

why not both?

No I mean if you are copying characters from a greater number of servers (which are going to be the servers progressing to TBC) to a fewer number of servers (the classic era servers being released, I assume) then you have an issue because of the cap of characters per realm.

ROFL. Not once have you succesfully disproven my arguments lol.

You are a troll, 100%. Enjoy your choice between Vanilla and TBC

why not both?

only counts towards logged in characters

No someone can only have 10 characters or so per realm right? So what about those people who have a heap of alts across different realms how do you copy all those over into the one realm (or fewer realms)?

Thank you for your opinion. I’ve heard it before, in regards to Classic. Again, I said Blizz also said “no” to Classic Servers, yet here we are :woman_shrugging:

I agree, what you said isn’t really an argument but okie dokie :+1:

I’mma continue making requests because being persistent is what got us Classic, so :woman_shrugging:

Not going to be bullied off just because some (not all) don’t agree with me, and that’s OK. You do you, and I’m going to continue to do me :slightly_smiling_face:

you dont, the copying is per server, so sulfuras-vanilla would copy to sulfuras-tbc

That’s a new question. You asked if “you” as in blizz wanted you to level the same character twice.

As to the question of why not both?
