You wake up and suddenly, Averyx is gone


So it’s safe to raid the cupboard. The cheesies are mine!

Transmog vault.

First Snowfox and now Avery

i can only hope 10.0 will be something special for us all


i don’t miss snowfox one bit.

I wake up and suddenly, Averyx is gone…I guess I would go about my usual day, who is Averyx ?

I remember when you joined my raid trying to pug AotC antorus. you also tried to pug normal nighthold with me.

both times you dodged.

snowfox went away YEARS ago.

Bye have fun whatever you find to waste your time on now. One more tail slap for the road you will be missed.

Happy trails. Old chunks of coal like me who aren’t going anywhere will keep the fires burning for ya.

I miss Ystheins. Having a blue respond even just occasionally made my day. Even if it were just a “good morning forumites”


he would make fun of people on the cs forums.

At this point, I’d take banter over silence. But I understand the silence now

Didn’t he get fired by Blizz?

yes but he is now a cm for EA

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Cheers and thanks for the discussions.

My sub ends this coming month. Both of them actually. One next week and one at the end. I’ll be joining you shortly in the band of folks that’ll no longer contribute to the forum discussions and entertainment.

I hope we get 9.2 news soon. I hope we get next expansion news soon. I hope beyond hope that 9.1.5 was a turning point on their design philosophy and not another last ditch attempt to reclaim a bad-feeling expansion. Because we’ve been through this song and dance so many times now.

Cheers. I hope your adventures beyond Azeroth and the Shadowlands (bleh) are a worthwhile experience. I hope they give you cause to return in the future.

It’s very sad to see this game wilter.


See you in 9.1.5

Don’t worry, you’re stuck with me at least.


Yeah, just like the tons of people that would come back to WoW with 9.1 right? The streamers that would quit FFXIV after a day, then a week, then before they finished ARR meanwhile all of them can only seem to sing praises about the game and make it clear they aren’t quitting.

You’re like the kid that is wondering why his father is still getting cigarettes when he’s been gone a week.

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Maybe. Depends on when 9.2 is announced and what it’s coming with.

9.1.5 has some cool things, but nothing I haven’t done already. And 9.2 is going to have catch up mechanics that makes whatever I didn’t do in 9.1 either worthless or effortless. So… I’m out of reasons to play at the moment.

Could level another alt, I suppose. Island Expeditions are neat for solo play. But I have other things to play while I wait through the entire winter season for the next content patch.

Not really much to subscribe for in Modern WoW if you don’t enjoy repeatedly playing M+.

Good luck. I will miss your odd but entertaining awkward situation threads.