You shouldn't be able to solo old raids/dungeons

I get what you’re saying. Maybe there should be an option for the raid to scale to current tiers, or whatever, but the loot remains legacy.

It’ll be a toggle to enable and disable legacy difficulty, but the rewards will still be legacy. That way, I and countless others can speed run for transmog, pets and achievements, and you and your select friends can make legacy more difficult because you just want that option.


Where do all these random “thoughts” come from?

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Well, I don’t.

I disagree. Actually it should be even easier. The moment you hit 1 lvl above the old content cap, you should be able to solo it without any difficulty.

No it won’t. It would just bring more drama, because someone would get the roll and all the other people in party would be frustrated.


What a stupid idea.
That simple



Likely a big jar labelled ‘Ideas that people will hate’ would be my guess…


1 rip
2 rip
3 rip
Kaboom! Thought splatter on the forums.

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If a racoon takes a stick and sets off a leg trap and then steals the bait, is it still a trap or just a joke on the trapper and a free meal for the racoon?

No, because it was set off already rendering it useless.

Um, a lot of that old content was already on farm for me at a certain point in the game and the RNG gods decided I didn’t need certain things. I prefer being able to go in and blow up old content easily.

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Rhetorical questions are always wasted on the internet.

Okay, congrats. You just confirmed you’re a boomer

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But that’s not the scenario

It’s more like, the trap is set then the raccoon shows up and sets the trap off with the stick while keeping its leg in the trap anyway

Sure it set it off intentionally, but it still trapped itself

There should be 2 options;

  1. for soloing old content for transmogs, achievements and old legendaries.

  2. Scale up for current level so you could run it to get current gear, even at Mythic level. The more content available, the better, imho.

It’d be cool if they scaled it to 5 man content.

Sure scale it. Just also leave legacy mode :slight_smile: there are some awesome trinkets out there I’d love to see scaled up.

I under stood what you were asking, i just thought i would answer lol.

No thank you

no you don’t - you fail to see it would cost blizzard business because no one is going to want to find a group to run Naxx 15 times a week for months (running alts).

The only way i can see this working is if all rewards are also scaled to be on par with current DF dungeon/raid rewards.

IF this were to happen folks would choose the easiest path and only run the easiest raid out there for the gear.