You shouldn't be able to solo old raids/dungeons

i stopped reading right here. you understand nothing about old content.

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It can take thousands of runs to get one piece or mount you want, the fastest way to kill old content for all except the absolute die hards (who will also lose their motivation to try over time) and to kill a significant reason for people to play would be to do what you are suggesting.

No thanks, it would be a bonehead move by the devs and definitely would cause the game to depopulate to other games that offer this opportunity and move over.

No you don’t.

Within this one part of a sentence what you are actually saying is don’t make it mindlessly farmable, make it a hard farm which is the EXACT same thing but just requires more people. Not to mention most folks don’t do runs hundreds or thousands of times to begin with, only the diehard farmers do and it gives them something to do to stay in the game.


I think bringing back old content is cool but is handled perfectly fine via timewalking.
Timewalking raids like Bt and Firelands are a nice way to bring back older content, my only wish for the future is that they re add old tier sets and update them, it would be fun to have more options for end game content then just 1 set per patch.

This… a thousand times this. I have spent so much time running some BC dungeons for pieces I want but with only 2-3 items per boss and low drops rates it’s frustrating.



they are already on your side when did they nerf bfa raids? never and wont.

If you want that style of play, ESO is the game for you. It is almost impossible to outlevel a dungeon or raid because of how that game’s scaling works.

Blizzard goes the opposite way - it even produces methods of using old content for current gain (Scholomance and Naxx as has been done recently for example) and by using stuff like Timewalking, which IS group content.

Perhaps think again.

all content being relevant and expansions expanding instead of replacing.

what a terrible vision.

Just imagine if the OP, and others who bring this idea up about once a month, was trying to get Invincible and now needed to bring along 4 random strangers to roll against in the off chance it actually drops. Of course they lose the roll in this scenario, because RnJesus is fickle like that.

I have a strong suspicion that their opinion would change quicker than a politician’s near re-election time. Bonus, they would be here immediately afterwards posting an exact opposite thread.


Posting in a troll garmuck thread! But i actually agree lol.

This is what I wanted since I first started playing near the end of wrath.

They probably wont scale current ilvl to older content but the least they could do is have timewalking active 24/7 on all raids and all dungeons as a choice not because it’s timewalking week.

How can you prove that at least half of the posts here support your idea?
Other than just saying “they do because i believe so”

Whatever happened to Ralph? I remember he was in the hospital at one point but I lost track.

Fair enough, you roll a 36, but random player01 rolls a 37 on a sub 1% mount. Does that sound like more fun than today?

I’ll just point out that pet collectors have a few quests called “Raiding With Leashes.” We go back and solo old low-level raids, because some of the nameds now drop rare pets for our collection. And some, like Twilight Clutch Sister and Anubisath Idol are actually quite valuable pets.

So, we kind of need these old raids to be soloable, because if they aren’t, we’d have to assemble raids, or at least a group, to come with us as we traipse through old raids.

And who’s going to do that with us? Everything that drops, except maybe a couple of mounts, is going to be obsolete.

Hey, can you guys help me as I go through this old raid and try to get a pet that has maybe a 5% chance of dropping? You get absolutely nothing out of it since the gear is obsolete.

Also, as someone who’s kind of stuck in old content for a while, because of things I didn’t get the first time around, like heirloom rings and trinkets in WoD and BfA, I kind of need that raid content to be soloable for me, otherwise, I’d never be able to get that old stuff. Because again, no one’s going to go with me to get them, and I’d feel bad asking, since I’m the only one who would be getting anything out of it.

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You shouldn’t be able to solo old raids/dungeons

L M A O.
the ONLY reason I stayed subbed thru the disasters of BFA and SL, son, was BECAUSE those old raids/dungeons were there to solo and farm mogs and crap I wanted.

All I can say is THANK GOD blizzard doesnt listen to these kinds of ridiculous views. lol


you said ‘solo’
you know who plays this game ‘solo’ ? solo players, thats who. lmao.
They ARENT going to go join a guild and HOPE they can find a group who just happens to want to go farm the EXACT raid they want to at any given point lol.
And the group finder is useless, because again, NO ONE wants to run that old content at the same point in time Im ready to, lol.

I will say that this is THE worst idea that Ive seen since I started playing WoW. lol


It doesn’t cheapen old content, it keeps it relevant! If old dungeons aren’t dropping gear worth using stat wise, then what purpose is it serving? Transmog collecting is a very popular activity in WoW! I know when a new expansion comes out, I’m already thinking maybe I’ll be able to finally obtain some of the gear I could not before. :heart:

Old content in current WoW is truly… quite old.

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Dwarves only get stupid when sober, you should really tell him to get drunk.

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As a player since release, doing old content is the only that keeps me playing. There is no reason to keep it difficult. Especially when its just transmog.


As per OP logic, some of us would still be attempting to kill the mythic Jailer by 2030 for some cometics. Big yikes

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