You ruined the class

none of the specs are fun, ya dun goofed, ya messed up. RIPBOZO Hunter Devs.

MM has too little and none of the capstone talents are interesting or feel good. Wailing Arrow was cool, you took it away and now all we have is purple kill shot aka Black Arrow and that’s all we get. it doesn’t feel good to use Trueshot or Aimed Shot. Spamming multi shot as MM to get Trick Shots is bad design and feels bad. The eagle is a terrible idea, it’s bad game design, it’s not visceral and it doesn’t feel like anything.

BM hunter has cool ideas in the talent trees and actually feels like an actual full class instead of a slop of bandaged, half-finished, poorly thought out ideas aka MM / SV. However it’s Bloated AF. There are things that need to be combined or made easier to track or made passive. What’s sad about this is it is still the most well done tree.

SV. You massacred my boy. I haven’t played SV in a while but coming back, it feels awful. All the cool stuff the class used to have is gone and there’s no reason to play it. This tree suffers from a lack of flow and a feeling of intelligent design. It feels like two different trees altogether. One designed around bombs and explosive shots (still poorly done in the way that it is done) and the other side around mongoose bite and kill command. There’s so many problems with this tree, I don’t think you guys even have the first idea what you want it to be. I don’t even think you know what a survival hunter should feel like playing. I sure as hell don’t.

This idea that arcane shot and kill shot are still in SV is stupid. Is the class a melee hunter or not? How would we fire these things if we’re holding a 2h spear. Why doesn’t WF bombs have a dot component? It’s a bomb. A bomb with FIRE in the name. We got a tar trap and fire bombs and yet there’s no interaction? Do you guys even play video games? Harpoon no longer bleeds or does anything? You ever seen a RL harpoon in a whale? Butchery CD is way too long. The bleed should stack with itself at least twice otherwise what’s Butcher-esque about it? If you’re worried about stepping on feral’s toes, design the class better.

just bury this entire class already maybe besides BM which could be salvaged the other two specs are life support. Feral plays better as a SV hunter, than hunter. And Warrior (fury/arms) plays better than SV hunter and every single ranged magic class is better than MM.

Save BM and just throw out the other two specs. The War Within, yeah more like the war within the campus to find good class design. (we’re losing that war.)


I’m enjoying MM. It’s the best iteration of the spec I’ve ever played. It also does about as much DPS as my Ret.


I just want to add that it doesn’t matter if the Hero talents feel good or not, the core class tree feels bad, so if the hero tree feels good or not, you can’t even notice it. I don’t mind the revamped pack leader, but you can’t enjoy it because the core tree feels bad. Who cares if a bear comes out, every button feels bad to push except mongoose bite and kill command. (in SV)

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…It does? It has impact damage and then applies a DoT?


it should stack, why do we have to take a loss when we only got 2 charges? it just resets dot, lets say you bomb explode shot bomb its wasted. also the cone design is bad because tanks move around a lot. it should be 360 degree application not 180 degrees. IRL a claymore has 180 degree application, but its tripwire. grenades have 360 degree application whether it’s incendiary or shrapnel.

im telling you a ton of dps is being lost on bad game design and then they are tweaking numbers when they should first design the class properly and then tweak the numbers.

tar trap should add a buff (no timer) that makes our next WF bomb add huge dot to wildfire bomb separate from it’s current DoT, the current dot should stack up to two times, to synergize with our 2 charges. TY.

I don’t like trying to mix utility into dps rotations, DHs have been complaining about it long enough for you get a picture. They had an interaction before where dropping a flare onto a trap would make it explode for a DoT and it was generally hated by the community


probably because tar and flare are never used and it was forcing you to use them. we already use WF bomb and tar trap has no use. i never use it in pve. also flare is targeted reticle, and so is tar trap, that doesn’t feel good i get it, two target reticule abilities together to squeeze out dps. but if the DOT is heavy and its only tied to WF bombs ppl wouldn’t mind using it. Especially if they made tar trap a "applies to target’ instead of target reticule in the talent tree of SV only. A SV only thing.

There’s definitely instances where it’s usable for M+ and raid encounters. Queen you needed it for phase 3, Avanoxx from Ara-Kara, etc. Flare was huge in Dragonflight for stealth adds in Halls of Infusion, if they did their from-stealth attack it would stun the tank.

But regardless, I have no problem adding flavorful ability interactions, but when you add utility into core dps rotation you no longer have that utility for when it’s actually useful

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BM was in a great place, now the fubared it, again. So sad. It seems as if THEY want us to play MM because of all the work they did to it. Shameful! I enjoy my BM, have been BM for 15 years, not looking forward to the flavor of the month spec… dislike MM simply because of aim shot… can not move… I like to bounce around. I have tested on both sims and live, yes MM is kicking BM butt… but not the play style myself and seems many others enjoy. If it is not broke… Blizz has to fix it… shame on them!


it does stack?? the damage is added to the existing dot. you don’t know what you’re talking about.

you’re extremely confused.

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Bm is becoming the best hunter spec on Tuesday with the buffs, it already was with the tier set. But the buffs just solidify it way more, I wouldn’t be surprised to see 2-3 bm hunters in WFR


people here love to complain about things they dont understand


i don’t doubt that because BM looks to be the most well designed and fluid. the other specs clunky and lacking identity while BM has strong identity of what it is and what it should do.

SV is plenty fluid, why would anyone trust your feedback when first you said SV sucks because WFB doesn’t have a dot, then you said it does but it doesnt stack (when it does)?

That has nothing to with WFR lol. Bm will do high damage and is a good mechanics spec

To add to this, Tar Trap certainly saved me a number of times in Delves. Kiting enemies around in it can avoid a lot of damage.

Lunar Storm sure isn’t interesting, but it hits like a monster truck now, in addition to the huge AoE and the tracking. It’s certainly impactful.

I find it interesting you bring up clunkiness, but on the same token bring up Wailing Arrow. You don’t think that’s clunky? A horrible buildup and the fact you can lose it if there’s enough downtime in between pulls? And with some dungeons and raids having some fun RP moments you can very well lose it and have to grind it all over again.

It’s really the first time in a long while where MM feels great both in single target and multi target. Volley with Salvo and Double Tap which grants Trick Shots and is on only a 45 second CD? Things just MELT. It’s awesome, and I didn’t even have to really deviate from my single target focus on my build.

I don’t really acknowledge Dark Ranger so I cant say how that plays, but Sentinel has been great.

I…I think that was the point. They wanted it not intrusive so it’s not intrusive.

I’m loving MM Hunter, and I think folks are finally coming around to see that the spec is pretty alright after the changes, after the initial tsunami of doom and gloom.

i just tested it, it doesn’t stack, it overwrites. (WFB)

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It 100% doesn’t overwrite., it ignites, like almost every other DoT in the game. You can test this by using both charges of WFB back to back on the same target. You’ll notice the second application doesn’t set the DoT debuff to 6 seconds as you’d expect it too if it were in fact overwriting when the debuff already exists on the target.

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I think you’re right about volley / double tap and i enjoy trick shots as a buff mechanic. I just don’t enjoy multi-shot. It’s bad animation it doesn’t feel like anything. It’s an old animation etc from vanilla wow. I also just don’t like it. I wish there was a multi shot with a wind up like how the evoker fire breath where you hold it down. Like you were notching arrows or loading powder. Like a long duration aimed shot but you’re going to hit multi targets and it hits like a truck. Not little plinks, besides i thought that was what barrage was for. Except this feels worse than barrage (safer tho) I just don’t like TS being tied to multi shot if multi shot is going to feel so bad and spammy to use.

i loved wailing arrow, it was cool to have all the arrows flying, it might have been a bit hard to use but I enjoyed using it, it felt like i was some hero archer using their ultimate. Now i don’t really have anything except a bunch of same tier abilities. It feels very basic like a vanilla hunter. I don’t feel like a hero class as MM hunter. and it doesn’t feel as good without a cool, meaningful capstone.

saying bm is bloated is hilarious. stay bad