You ruined the class

survival shouldnt even have access to kill command, yet they do. it is the core, staple and bread and butter of bm.

if survival is to keep its pets at all they should be utility only. there is no B or M in survival.

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BM is fine

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What about BM feels bloated?

I don’t want to sound like an a-hole but at what level of gameplay do you play? MM Dr is absolute garbage in any scene and situation. Sent might be better than Dr but is still low compared to Ret. In no way their damage is similar.

Not going to bother to switch to my Hunter, but so far, my SV Hunter has been fine. Using Sentinel because Pack Leader still needs adjustments, but all is ok. Will see how it all pans out when the season starts.

Can’t wait for this answer considering BM is back to a 4 button rotation lol

I agree extremely. Survival sucks, they ve took away every single cool mechanic

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Survival is great. Sad about flaking strikes removal in AoE. But the spec is in the best spot it’s been since shadowlands. Bombs are what’s fun in the spec. Being a crazy bomber is great. Probably go BM because it’s busted but I will slip back to survival before I ever touch the dung hole that is MM.

Glad you enjoy playing a Spec that is currently Tier-B. Good luck in getting into Mythic groups

Problem is that Devs listen to players who hate the class. Those players might not even play the class, but they definitely hate it. Personally, never understood that kind of squarely mentality. What’s the point in advocating for a class to be nerf. It’s like saying; I want Fire Mage to be nerf because they are tier-s or too buff, etc. Why would I care! do I play the class, no! So, let others have some fun.

Prefer instead to be advocating for classes that had been nerf to the ground

This tier lists are too for top level keys which the majority of you won’t see.

MM will be fine for the majority of keys.

The real problem is you don’t know what you’re talking about.

It’s easier to bring one over performing spec up versus twenty plus being buffed.

Exactly which nerf do you think was complained about by people that hate the class?

Blizzard locked :lock: my thread because they didn’t want me and other players talked about how bad Hunter class is right now. If they don’t want me to talk smack about Hunters, than Blizzard should get off their tail and fix the problem.

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Sorry, I don’t want Fire Mages to be nerfed since that class is now my main class. I don’t want Blizzard to even touch or ruin the Fire Mages like they do Hunters. HELL NO!!!

We got to a point where people are having fun, and have to come to the forums to complain to not get nerfed… as long as complain about other classes to show that yours suck at something

This is some blizztagram bullstuff…

I wish they deleted this stuped forum and didnt force people to come here just to counteract bullstuff

So players having a place to voice their concerns is a big no no? What about all the times where players are praising the devs for doing something right? Do we throw that out too?

‘Just shut up and play what you paid for’ is a bad model for any mmo especially when community is what is holding this company up.

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These conspiracy theory posts are hilarious. Blizzard is also gangstalking you because they know you’re a threat to their Paladin hegemony!

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Blizzard has been locking :lock: most of my threads that i have created is a fact and not conspiracy theory. Which is starting to get annoying. In which my threads has nothing do with politics or religion.

If a players complains about something, at least Blizzard should try to fix it or look into what ever a person is complain about. I don’t complain about non useless issues. I complain about things that matter in WoW.

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best iteration ? lol what iterations have you played cause that’s crazy

I don’t mean the actives feel bloated I mean the tree. When everything is passive it doesn’t feel like there’s a lot of meaning and it also doesn’t feel like there’s a lot of impact depending on where you put talents vs another talent choice. Since it’s all passive, it’s mostly all hidden in the flow of gameplay. I think there are talents in the talent tree that could be combined and something more meaningful or interesting could be put in it’s place, that’s what i meant by bloated, not active buttons.

Also i wish that talents were grouped in some way to show what spells, talents passives or actives they modified. kind of like how they do it in diablo 4 that would be easier to keep track of and read, that’s just me.