You refuse to listen to your community (about twinks)

Majority playerbase

You gave me a good laugh. PvP has been dog sh*t awful for a long time. PvP templates were idiotic, especially, and the final evolution of what resilience started.

Now, PvP is probably at an all time low, and the last times I enjoyed it were WoD, and then WotLK before that. I refused to even touch it in Legion. Twinking coming back is kinda nice, as I did it in Vanilla by pacing from the 5th level on (having a rogue run through 20-29, 21-30, 31-40, and 40-50 for ages before ever reaching 60).

That sort of min-max also existed at level cap, with a much higher barrier through rank grinding or raiding.

Re-scaling twinks wouldn’t be hard for them to do, but at the same time they should make 120 PvP less sh*t. In both situations, people want to see what they can do for their investment, and right now there’s nothing at 120 that suggests you should really try.

The gear curve is steeper and the difficulty is higher if you want to level bgs. Thats just how it is. Prepare accordingly.

You lose some games due to twinks. You also win just as many. It all evens out.

Taking the twinks away still doesnt guarantee a win or a higher fun factor. All it would accomplish is just 1 less excuse on the table.

People will just find another issue to complain about: faction imbalance, racials, map layout, blizz conspiracies, class imbalance, healers too strong, healers not strong enough, melee mobility, interrupts, cc, DR’s, que times, lack of healers on teams, idiots in bg chat, deserters, and deserter punishment.

Twinks are fine. Keep your gear up, enchant/gem when its worth it. Thats kinda how the game works. Be it level 19 or 120. Welcome to WoW.


Essentially, it makes leveling less enjoyable because I prefer to PvP to level, yet twinks make that process much harder.


Get gear then, come prepared :slight_smile:

In my case it’s a matter of preference - I still level the character regardless, I just enjoy PvP over world content, which I do both of.

I have to ask, are levelers vendoring all the quest gear they earn? It’s not hard to keep most slots up to date while leveling.

BG’s have always required keeping up with gear, excluding legion which was all about ilvl.

Just like going into a BG under x5 prior to Legion meant you were singled out.

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I’ve never looked into it yet tbh I wouldn’t want to be on either end of the spectrum - being a twink or being against twinks. I will, but either way I’d prefer to have a (mostly) balanced matchup rather than be forced to either be a twink or deal with twinks. Ofc there is no other option right now, but I still figure I might as well say my mind.

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Twinks gone doesnt garauntee this at all.

Random bgs.


That’s why I said mostly.

Let twinks have their own battle grounds and there will be no further misunderstanding on intent. You can pit your overboard enchants your grandfathered items your farmed blues and fight someone that actually can compete, someone just like you. Doesnt that sound terrific?


dont speak for all twinks i am not opposed to a seperate q . ignornace is not apprecaited here~ps why are you so mad? you are 120. i would happily join a random q at 120 in my 380 mythic raid gear and stomp out the fresh 120s …what is the difference?


it seems to me like you got smaked up by a twink~

twinking is a part of this game and if you don’t like it quit lel.

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i like this guy^

yeah man not all twinks want to stomp newbs~ alot of us like doing old raids! antorus , black temple, sunwell! i sure know i love raiding antorus with other twinks!

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You all made my point for me. Why not have your own battleground? Why are you threatened? Twinking is fun, well fight other twinks then. Will it still be fun without levelers there? yeah right. The difference in the case of 120’s they are finished leveling so under different circumstances. Its tiresome to have to explain something so clearly obvious and the only people defending twinks in bgs are twinks lol smh


Why punish people who put work into their character?

This has been the consensus for a suggestion as everyone got what they wanted last time it happened. I too don’t understand why any suggestion is ok except for removing levelers from the same BGs as them. For some reason, that comment invokes intense rage. You’re right, why wouldn’t they want annoying levelers out of their BGs? They would no longer have to worry about them doing non-value added things like taking objectives and focusing on what’s important like farming HKs in the middle or GY.

no they didnt, everyone did not get what they wanted and you guys who keep saying this are wrong. When the separation happened it was due to the 19 community wanting it (it wasnt every bracket). they were the ones that got blizzard to give it a try. When xp gains were turned off, i dont think blizzard really cared if twinks were in or out of the common population. Twinks tried having their own separate que, it killed almost every bracket but 19, and 29. Prior to this change when i qued in 39s before xp was added to BGs. the matches were almost always full of 10 v 10 twinks in wsg. It was the thing to do . it was very popular and it wasnt about noob stomping. It was about great pvp cause of how the game was orginally designed at 10 levels at a time, makes for these awesome stages of the game that give you dynamics that are fun. Stop trying to kill pvp cause you want to level up and not have competition. Twinks are not thwarting your leveling experience, you just want to pvp to max level with no real competition. you are pretty much just not able to function in this expansion where gear matters. Sorry but twinks are the current enforcers of "Gear matters in pvp"


Thank you for the hyperbole.

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