You pass butter

Oh yeah I forgot you’re across the pond there aren’t ye? :stuck_out_tongue:

Mine only knows how to tell me she’s hungry… every hour of the day


The joke ---- you------> the joke getting past you somehow.

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what are we suppose to talk abt? im confused since it went off topic here i think lol

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Having members talk about how hard heroics and norms are, asking for punishments for leaving keys, asking for additional rewards just for staying in them, and button bloat doesn’t lend any good faith.

Jeez, cat must be hungry.

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It did um… idk at this point.

I know what’s something you would like to see changed or implemented in the game?

I would like some more of the older instances / raids to be unlocked that were removed in cata!

Make Legion+BFA raids easily soloable


Directive Unclear. Deleting Legion and BFA raids.



I mean…uh… only open the Legion+BFA raids for 15 minutes at a time then close them for 3 hours

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Affirming Directive. Making all bosses in raid despawn after 15 seconds of entering the raid.

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Thumbs-up to Ravij for pointing out to Blizzard that people don’t bother with the Zaralek Caverns rares because THEY HAVE TOO MUCH HEALTH AND ALWAYS HAVE FROM THE BEGINNING.

I’ve been saying since the first week that they need to slash the rares’ health by 90%.

And STILL Blizzard’s stupid developers don’t get it.


Because they don’t read feedback, or they don’t care about feedback.

It’s one or the other.


Yup, Netherlands! I wish I could just post on my main though.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at? If you want me (or others) to change our opinion to reflect yours, you came to the wrong adress. You are however open to tell me what parts of topics, and they are quite a few, you disagree and I’ll be happy to have a discussion about it.

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I’m just parroting what everyone else has been saying across the entire internet since Z. Caves was introduced. The turmoil has just only grown louder since yesterdays “hotfix” garbage to an unbearable storm that the team cannot weather any further.

My gold shiny wrapper is finally good for something I guess.


Happy Turkey Day!
/Gobble Gobble


The whole “the rares are up all the time” thing like… I would go out there and farm rares if they actually gave me something I can use other than mounts off like… I think 1? Maybe 2? NPCS.

Stick some dream warden rep on em or something and then maybe some may go out there.

That specific blue post was particularly idiotic (and that’s saying something).

As shown above, the Zaralek Caverns map regularly displayed 12-15 rare elite enemies available to kill at any given time. This was not an occasional jackpot moment. It was the default state of the zone for most players who came along.


No. That would actually make sense.

I would fight the rares if they didn’t take me 10 minutes to kill. The rewards aren’t the issue, the massive health pool is.

And they aren’t even dangerous. Just tedious.


Not there yet for me, but I’ll say happy November 23 of year 2023 anyways.

(Raises :beer:)

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Right?! And too like you said earlier those rares have A LOT of health and if anyone comes along and hits it… the health scales up!

They should be easier to kill at this point since it’s technically a previous zone.

Oh on some classes it’s more than tedious and they are dangerous :dracthyr_nervous_animated: