You may not agree with VE and the DR customization

I like a good story as much as the next person but adding this customization really doesn’t affect anything. Also, they’ve already changed a lot of the lore. This doesn’t hurt anything.


Thallia please take some water…
I am really worried.

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If they can be Dk they should be Dark rangers

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Right now, on my Warlock! <3


there can be a game to play and a storyline. it should not have to be one restricting the other. i dont know how people can oppose it.

Gaslight much? I can be annoyed at something and not be some sort of crazed whatever you’re claiming. :roll_eyes:


But I am offering crystal clean water, with ice rocks and, if you dont curse me, I even can go fancy about it with a lemon slice and a umbrela.

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Blizzard took the go big or go home thing too seriously when adding crossfaction play.
They decided to give Alliance more Horde cosmetics after giving them people to actually play the game with.

Lets be honest here.
BE should never be horde in the first place, if they are trying to fix the mistakes they started back in TBC we may still have WoW for decades… I am in.

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You can’t use that word. Don Lemon has patent on that word.

Void elves are basically high elfs that want to be alliance at this point anyway. Dark rangers are just dead high elfs. The end of the quest chain released the dark rangers that want to be alliance back to the alliance hence the new appearance represents dead high elfs who went back to the alliance due to lowered tensions.


Oh honey, give it up.

When a company panders to the lowest common denominator for increased profit margins, their product inevitable becomes its lowest, cheapest, worst version.

Immersion, lore and role-play is dead, the coffin has been nailed shut and everyone is just going to have to live with the awful stench.

Well, everyone who remains. Personally, I am exploring other options :wave:.

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This game is going down the drain for subhuman vanity requests.


Thank you for explaining that, but it doesn’t change the fact that Velfs aren’t currently Helfs. They were formerly Helfs. This notion that people keep using Velfs as a way to act like they are currently Helfs isn’t how things work. They aren’t Helfs anymore. That’s why they’re called Velfs. Their blood is purple, they turn purple, they’re forever changed by the Void.

This is just more pandering. I can’t decide what’s worse, attempting to say Velfs got turned into Dark Rangers or using the Helf card for this.

Seems that way, yep.


Feels like it may just be time to move on, doesn’t it?

These people will stop at nothing to make sure WoW is ruined and all for vanity.

The real WoW killer has been the community all along.


I just took it as blizzards way of saying, “a lot of people want more elf subcategories, but we don’t want to make another allied race”. I think its a fine change and hope it leads to them releasing more options. For example going off this change I could easily see them doing something like giving dwarves or dark irons or both skins that made them iron or stone. I imagine its far easier for them to make skins for existing classes rather then slowly cranking out allied races for everything. Maybe we’ll get fel skins for hm tauren in additon to tauren warlocks to represent the feltotem. I can think of worse directions to put their efforts.

Either way this is one of the first changes in a while that came out of nowhere that I actually liked. Its rare these days for blizzard to pleasantly surprise me and I’ll give credit where its due there.


ALLERIA made void elves. sylvanas made dark rangers. they’re different dude.

Yay ou nay on the lemon slice with a nice umbrella?!

Shuuuuushhhh go sit over there.

No… the Void made Void Elves when the Nether-Prince used the Void to try to turn the elves into Void entities.

Whether you like/agree with the “lore” or not, the justification they use is given at the end of the quest. The Dark Rangers going to the alliance are specifically elves killed and raised during the Battle of Darkshore that previously weren’t welcomed.

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