You lost a potential new player today Blizzard

What kind of friend invites someone to play the game and then leaves them to level on their own?


Come on, we all know the “new players start here” island, then on to BFA, is just to hide that old wow isnt the greatest game graphically, not that it makes the gameplay experience less confusing or better

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Well, to be fair, everything that comes from a streamer is unnecessary, hate included.

If he don’t wanna play BFA, then show him where the portal to Org is. He can literally just walk 50 feet over to Durotar and do the vanilla quests first. They don’t put new characters there first because WoW didn’t have anything resembling fun questing until WoD. The very early stuff is just long chains of go kill X thing and bring me X pelts.


I could be wrong but he could just leave BfA and go to wherever he wants to level, can’t he? You don’t need to use Chromie time to engage with old content; it just helps with leveling quest xp out. And shouldn’t he be leveling his first character through Vanilla zones, not BC, if he’s going in chronological order? Once he gets his first character to lv 50 he can engage Chromie time for alts like you stated.

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Ah, so a miscommunication on my part? My bad! I’m talking about the same human using multiple toons lol

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Blizzard isn’t going to worry about one player, nor even a thousand, quitting the game.

Couldn’t he just level without Chromie Time? At this point, many of the zones have extremely large leveling spans (TBC can go up to level 30). Just because Chromie Time is incredibly fun and useful doesn’t mean that it has to be your only avenue of leveling. That being said, I think the restriction on new players should be lifted, given that I think Chromie Time is perfect for what you and your friend had in mind.

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Eh, troll account or not, true story or not, it doesn’t really matter, because the core of what he is saying is actually very true. The new player experience is awful. It has been for a long time but it keeps getting progressively worse and worse, and none of Blizzards attempts to fix it have done anything.

  1. New players forced to play BFA. This was meant to give new players a kickoff point in the narrative, basically a fresh start for the WoW story. It’s a good intention, and done properly it could have worked well. However, BFA is a horrible choice as it’s smack bang in the middle of an ongoing story revolving primarily around Sylvanas. New players do not know Sylvanas or the other main characters. They don’t know why there’s a war, why the Horde would ever follow some blatantly evil undead elf while spouting out how good and honourable they are. Skipping the Legion storyline makes them miss the point that they trust Voljins decision, and confuses them when Voljins ghost shows up talking about how he was duped. On the Alliance side, they don’t have any emotional attachment to Jaina, they don’t understand her strained relationship with her mother and Kul Tiras, they don’t have a clue who those seemingly random people in Jainas dreams are, etc. There is nothing explaining anything to new players. They are just thrown straight into the deep end.

To make matters worse, they’ll still only get halfway through before they are thrown into Shadowlands with its confusing hot mess of a story riddled with cut questlines

Starting from the beginning of a fresh story, like with Dragonflight maybe, would be much better, but it’d still have to fix a lot of other issues anyway.

  1. Chromie Time is limited. Even if they get an opportunity to use Chromie time to pick a time period to level up in, hoping to experience the story of that expansion, Chromie Time boots them out the moment they hit 50. Usually not even halfway through the expansions zones.

  2. Cut questlines EVERYWHERE. Vanilla questlines are completely gone. Sure most of them don’t really matter and the Cata revamp quests are fine, but some of those questlines, such as Tyrion in the Plaguelands, Onyxia in Stormwind and Moira Bronzebeard in Blackrock Depths sets the stage for important future events and / or character development. Wrath lost the Wrathgate quests, notably the Siege of Undercity, leaving a huge plothook dangling over nothing when Putricide uses the plague. MoP lost the Theramore bombing, which was insanely important to the story and to Jainas sudden character shift, as well as the Wrathion questline, which was a massively important development for MoP and Wrathion in general. WoD lost the Khadgar questline, which, while less important than Wrathion, was still a special part of the otherwise barren expansion. BFA lost the War of Thorns, which was a massive introduction kicking off the war and helping to set the stage. Shadowlands lost all of the initial Torghast quests, meaning those faction leaders you just saw the Jailer capture are suddenly just casually sitting around in Oribos, except for Anduin who is inexplicably evil now. And let’s not even get started on how many important plot points are exclusively in books only, like Jaina trying to destroy Orgrimmar, or Garroshs trial leading into WoD.

The story is in such god awful tatters that it actively trains new players to not care about the story at all, because it’s all so muddled and jumbled up with cut content everywhere, including in the current expansion, that a new player will find it impossible to follow the story and would have to just resort to getting the story from sources like nobbel. It’s at the point where I begin to wonder why Blizzard even bothers with a story.


He probably wouldn’t have even finished 1 expansion before getting thrown into shadowlands due to hitting max anyway lol.


Go play classic then it was said new plays will be In bfs. From the start


Hmmm. I guess you didn’t tell him/her they could ignore that board, turn off XP every so often and work through every zone in the game instead of coming here to Troll rant.



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This game has a story?

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account sharing detected :wink: might lose more than just 1 player :stuck_out_tongue:

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You tried to show a new player Shadowlands? 
 the worst expansion Blizzard ever released? 
 so bad that a stinking pile of dog doodoo is more fun???

What were you thinking???

You should have waited for Dragonflight before trying to introduce a new player to WoW.

Suck it up and level that first char through BFA. You have to suffer like the rest of us that played it and then you can have your chronological leveling experience

Do you get MVP with posts like that? That’s good to know.

Ah, yes, your ‘forum posting character’
 with fourteen posts.

Excuse me while I press ‘X’ to doubt.

That said, allegedly you can work around being forced into BFA by using a level 50 boost or creating a trial character to start the SL questline (don’t quote me on that), then any new characters should be able to choose whichever era they’d like to play in.

6months seems light. reckful had perma for that. albeit there were some ranked arenas in the mix.