You literally just ruined you're best new feature

No, im one of those people who watch other players brag about how high end they are after just having forked out dough to fatboss.

Torghast is just Islands 2.0 now. Mass pull, AoE, repeat.



Soul ash is the entire point of that place.

If’n y’all want a challenge, do your M15s, or whatever the hell the are.


You can add difficulty to it. Take gear off, time it, do whatever the hell you want.

I beat layer 8 at iLvL 172 pre-nerf, lets not pretend it was hard before LUL

sighs deeply

EDIT: And this…

This is pointless 'cause there’s nothing to it now anyway.

Yeah, it wasn’t hard before. So why did they gut it?

They can tune it after they fix core issues.

Well, you’re still breathing. That’s good. That means the changes haven’t killed ya.

Why is it pointless? If you can beat layer 8 with no gear then maybe it is too easy.

the only thing with longevity is endless. everything else would be outgeared even by casuals once they got some gear from easy sources. you’re whining you didn’t get an extra couple of weeks before it was trivial for everyone.

as you say, everything else would be outgeared even by casuals once they got some gear, so why nerf it like this? They couldn’t wait a short time?

and the way layer 8 was a couple of days ago, i didn’t see myself having an easy time of it for a while still. it’ll be a long time before i get the gear to help trounce what it was. but now i don’t need to improve my gear - or even skill - to do that content. it’s over.

all i have left to progress in is M+ and raids - all of which aren’t quite as fun because it needs to be organized. blizzard has let me down again. i thought they actually knew the community this time around, but they still don’t.

they could have adjusted anima powers for classes needing help. they could have front loaded the soul ash even more. they could have put more cosmetics, pets, mounts, companions in there at lower levels or a higher % whatever the drop reqs were. they also could have tried harder to balance classes.


Forums morons like to say they speak for a HUGE MAJORITY OF EVERYONE with no evidence (they’re generally just talking about themselves lol)

It was so easy lol, literally use your brain - or go down a level if you’re not geared enough yet.

I will still have fun just mowing it down, but now it’s a glorified world quest event. GG Blizz.


Remember when legendaries were time consuming and challenging to get? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Ah, ok. Well I wouldn’t doubt that they’ll tune it harder.

Twisting corridors is going to be trash because they’re 100% going to nerf it into island expeditions just like the torghast layers 1 week after release because this is Blizzard and they’re idiots who cater to morons in their player base rather than designing systems people actually want to replay, improve, and work at.

I mean, it only took them ~2 weeks to blow up and trivialize the only major new content system in Shadowlands. No effort at making things more nuanced and interesting, nah just nerf the hell out of it so every idiot can faceroll layer 8 for their ash.

It’s actually hilarious and pathetic how little imagination and backbone they have.


I know this was a couple hours ago, but why is the onus for making it artificially difficult on even just average players who complete it as designed? Why can’t the players who are having trouble put some effort into learning their class and/or the mechanics? The info is out there as is learning from experience.

It’s the same logic.

Casual players don’t have as much time as others by definition. You do have the time and knowledge to make it artificially more difficult.

I think they need to revamp the difficulties and make it progress like Raids do; Normal -> Heroic -> Mythic and each increase in difficulty adds more mechanics rather than just more numbers.

You gotta understand that the nerfs was are a temporary fix to appease the most amount of people. They identified core issues with Torghast (Ion’s interview with Polygon) and they had to make it more accessible in the meantime while they work on more important aspects of it.

Actually, no I don’t have the time. I don’t even have all that skill, look up my logs. I work full time and have other hobbies. I have time for a couple hours a week of Torghast, a few hours weekly of covenent/daily stuff, and a few hours weekly for raiding. That’s it. On weekends & holidays I might get to alt it up a bit for more funsies.

If that’s not casual to you and maybe 1-2 hours a week max is the definition of casual, I think those folks are playing the wrong game expecting to keep up with 1-2 hours a week played. That’s the reason it was nerfed because people think they can keep up and not do the work. Apparently they can, all Blizz cares about is $15/mo plus extras for store stuff, not their actual game or reputation.

I really don’t understand the nerfs are a temporary fix. They have never in all their development made things harder or rescinded a nerf. No game dev company does that. Where is this info they’re working on more important aspects of it?

Again, I harken back to my playtime… I don’t have the time to do twisting corridors in the forseeable future. I may never get to do that. If that’s their more important aspect, they’re wasting their time. As so many say, this game is for the casuals who pay the bills for the status content like world first raiding. Twisting Corridors will require too much time for the 99%, and in all likelyhood, not that much skill/gear, just time.

You have 18k achievement points…If you think thats casual then I can’t really help you understand other peoples perspectives.

Actually they just recently buffed Mythic Sun King right before the World First Race.

This is a quote from Ion’s interview with Polygon (source):

Blizzard has a few primary goals with Torghast at the moment. One: bring down the average length of a Torghast run so it’s not an hour-long grind. Two: increase the success rate for a handful of classes and specializations that are struggling. Three: Make sure that the powers players can pick up are fun and diverse things that could only work in Torghast, not just a stronger version of a player’s usual rotation. Four: make it clear just how hard each layer is supposed to be, and when a player should tackle it.

The nerfs were a temporaray fix to help with points 1 and 2 which appeases the majority of players for now; the issues they addressed can’t be fixed overnight. Ideally a lot of this woud’ve been ironed out in alpha/beta but its better late than never.