You know you are old when

When Time changes too fast.

You can quote Lennie Briscoe off the top of your head.

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Some people still believe that. It’s creepy as heck to run into them, too, because they can’t help but make senseless comments like, “You know writing your signature would be a lot easier with your right hand.” Umm, no it wouldn’t.

Thanks for the opportunity to vent. :grinning:

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“My Grade School Teacher made me sit on my left hand, so I wouldn’t write with it. Both my Parents were left handed, but I wasn’t allowed.”

“The upside is, I am now ambidextrous.”


Malls, skating rinks and bowling alleys were all great hang out spots!


Oh my god, I miss actually socializing in person. I hope it’s not an old person thing but being there in person relating with people was heaven on earth.


My first car was a 69 Chrysler New Yorker that was already 8 years old and had 110k miles on it!

“I don’t care if it’s an ‘old person’ thing, I miss that too.”

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Me too me too, damn.

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“Hanging out at the lake, or local public pool, parties at the Gravel Pit, groups of us going to a movie, then out for a snack afterwards, annual local Carnivals, picnics just for the heck of it, weekends at the beach, etc. Those were good times, indeed.”
/wanders down memory lane for a bit.
/soft sigh

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Oh Lordy you remember… it’s was real it. GOERGE ORWELL and Einstein where right. “They call me PANDA”


“I was born in 1957, and grew up playing outside. it’s a beautiful world out there, and I wish more people could appreciate it, like we do.”
/happy sisterly hug

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My dad used a pool queue, but I think he learned that trick from some tv show. Each channel had it’s own button.

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I remember when R&B was popular and streamlined.

the Carpenters.


When you can’t sit down or stand up without making some kind of noise.


I’ll call collect from the pay phone and say “pick me up.” Don’t accept the charges.


Free range children. In the summers, leave in the morning and show back up at five for dinner, then out until ten.


“We knew Happiness out there. Freedom and Happiness.”

“ in another hundred years people will see what freedom is”. We failed fate is a hell of a opponent. We didn’t lose just another cycle of life”. “ All my friends call me big 6”. “Real hero yes I drive a camero” Gotta drive to see we still out there.

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