You know what today is!?

Hello everyone! Today is Friday and you know what that means!


Do you have any plans for the weekend?
If you’re working this weekend, I hope it goes fast so you have your TGIF on another day!
What is everyone’s plans for wow today if you have them?
I plan on running some keystones with a friend after I work today and work on some of my professions again.

Hope everyone has a happy Friday and a fun one too! =)

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My plans for today are to take naps and not die.

Which are also my plans for every other day.


Hey it works! Any day above ground compared to underneath it is a good day. :stuck_out_tongue:


Happy Friday for all of you who celebrate! My Friday is actually Saturday :sunglasses:

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Look like I’m already out of likes (boo). Awesome so you got one day left!

Here’s a heart :heart:


Rex Manning Day?

I had to google that. Apparently that’s April 8th.

Today is TGIF but also apparently this:

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I’m going to a boardgame meetup group tomorrow. With AOTC finished and most guildies finally having KSM (who want it), the guild is taking a break until season 4. We’ll probably only do normal mode raids for the mount in season 4.

Oh that’s awesome! =) I haven’t played board games in forever, and that sounds like a lot of fun!

I have a hard time staying connected and logged into wow for more than an hour nowadays. So I’ll probably do my one mythic +15 for the vault and won’t log back on till Tuesday. Other than that I’m going to big bear lake for some camping.

It’s “complain that they made Hogger too attractive” day.

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Oooh camping is always fun!

And yeah I understand that with the M+ thing. I only like doing m+ with friends or if I’m maybe attempting to gear up an alt.

Hm? I know they gave Hogger a new model and it’s ok. Better than the old one but feels as though it’s missing armor pieces. Other than that, it is good I like the base model of it.

Used to go here on Fridays for loaded potato skins and cheap 20oz beers. Alas I stopped going and they went out of business near me. :disappointed:

I plan on making plans to get a lot of work done and then procrastinating all weekend and being disappointed in myself for not getting anything done and now it’s almost Monday again.

Same as usual.

D: oh no! Even though you have to cook it and I know it isn’t the same but…

hehe close enough. Mom told me happy thanksgiving for July 4th the other day. xD

Think of it like this, you rest then get stuff done during the week so then you have a solid few days to relax. It isn’t procrastinating it’s utilizing time wisely :stuck_out_tongue:


Uhh…work…study for summer exams next week.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

I’m in a similar boat you are. I have classwork to do / finish up on. It is fun though but I just gotta utilize my time better to get it done lol

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I am going to write a paper, take my kids to the park, RMA my other PC, and mow the lawn. I’m sure I’ll do some gaming somewhere on there.

I am going to work on my 2000 mustang. Already put a new battery in it, tomorrow going to do the serpentine belt, oil change, and need a part from the dealership. Pull the taillights off and clean all the leaves and junk from behind them. Did the previous owners just pack leaves in there? And frebreeze the interior because it smells funky.