They fix bugs with Paladins and you get paragraphs about how sorry they are and are going to look at fixing them…Yet Warriors still get no love and Hunters get their 20+ nerf without a single comment.
Paladins have never had their time to shine.
Warriors have been top tier since the beginning.
Nobody cares about Hunters.
people care a lot I feel like they love making threads about us.
Aggrend plays a paladin. That’s why they’ve been able to global people since p1 and haven’t received a single nerf.
The developers genuinely hate certain classes in their own game, and are very immature when it comes to balancing anything they don’t main.
What are you talking about?
If he really cared he would of fixed a ton of issues. Instead we get a “bug fix” that resulted in us losing even MORE damage. I could fill out pages upon pages of what the issues are. Hell I even made a thread about it a week or so ago with tons of posts detailing the issues. He isnt playing favorites because if he was, a lot of us wouldnt even be on the forums we would be playing the game.
Paladin is C tier at everything.
I think OP is right, we gotta nerf the warriors and nerf the hunters again. I mean it is the path of balance.
Gotta say paladin tanks in gnomeregan are pretty premium, dwarf specifically, and that’s coming from a rogue tank
i only ever cared about the pets. the hunters where just tag a longs. lone wolf…now thats an abomination of a talent.
You only play alliance, dont you? Paladins have been busted since day 1 of p1. Sucks that doesnt translate to pve damage.
Warriors were OP all of Era. The SoD devs specifically said that Warriors would be normalized. Just some food for thought.
There are 3 specs of Paladin. The last description anyone would use for Holy Paladins right now is, “busted”, unless were saying they are useless (in PvP).
The reduction in gnomer armor is the biggest buff that warriors could have realistically gotten, 10% flat damage done? Certainly wouldn’t be complaining
Ive done a bit of sillyness against players from time to time. But in sod only alliance as no BE. P1 had sone issues but it didnt have near the amount of issues as p2. It just seems like devs dont care about paladins.
mY clAsS bAsEd oN cRiTs Is BaD aT lOw lEvEls
shut up bro.
Trust me no tank better than shaman right now. Lvl one and see what i mean
Do not listen to him, we are awful and should never be allowed in raid, period.
You’ll gimp your raid disastrously.
Not about Paladins per se, its about the insight gained into how the developers treat certain classes.
Just listen to this drivel…no other class gets this type of explanation on a nerf much less a bug fix…
I think you’re reading too much into it. Both warriors and hunters are fine.
If you really think pallies are all that, and Aggrend is coddling them, then level up a pally and relax.
You clearly missed the point. I even said it’s not about Paladins…
If I was going to relax and level it would be a Shadow Priest but that is an entirely different thread.