Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - February 27

Cant wait to get sunfired spammed again

Its not initial damage, just overtime.

Paladin SoM changes are bad. I hope these get reverted. CS change is nice, it still needs a higher weapon damage scaling though.


So taking them from 3rd to bottom like marksman is good. “Viable” you have no idea how massive this is. At this point hunter should quit or re roll priests / mages.


They don’t’ like proc chains over at blizzard. It’s a bad change because they ignored the state of the class tbh. If the CS change was better we would be ok.



Wanted to chime in and provide a quick update to this note:

We’ve decided not to send this specific part of the paladin changes live on Tuesday.

While this could arguably be considered a bug, we are simply going to let it ride as it is not nearly as problematic as the second part of the bug that allowed weapon procs to trigger the full damage of Seal of Martyrdom.

That separate bug fix to prevent Martyrdom from proccing from Frost Oil and other procs will go live as planned but we understand that for some it was an interesting interaction. It’s never a great time when you feel like you caught a “fun detected” nerf, and while we couldn’t really allow this bug to continue in its current form for obvious reasons, we are currently discussing ways to recapture some of what made it interesting and some of the power it provided without the somewhat janky and unintuitive behavior.

We appreciate your feedback around this and are looking forward to continuing to provide regular updates and adjustments as the phase rolls on.

Thank you!


Thank you!

Send the free respec cost change in its place

Thank you!

Oh so paladins get to unjustly dodge nerfs? :upside_down_face:



  • Dual Wield Specialization no longer grants a 30% damage bonus to Raptor Strike for wielding two weapons of the same type.

I guess it’s been real. 6 days left on my sub, almost timed it just right.


First of all, this is SoD, not Classic, so what does that even have to do with this, and second, who mentioned Warriors beyond the reference to the meme of Warriors endlessly complaining about how bad things are for them when they’re actually doing fine?

I opened a whole post about the following, but I’ll share this here as a game producer and the team are here.

This will be mainly highlighting the hate of MHunters this phase and the current incoming nerfs. I’ve lost count how many times HUNTERS have been nerfed throughout these short 2 phases. I understand they seem powerful and for most common gamers who are just raiding with their casual guild or doing casual pvp here and there. They get hit by a hunter or see their numbers on a graph and instantly think JESUS this is INSANE. IF we take a look at the current top 100 DPS on warcraftlogs who are logging their runs:
Within the top 10 DPS, there are only 2 hunters, #2 and #5. With a fire mage being above them sitting at #1. 6 total Fire Mages in the top 10 and 2 Destro locks
Lets scroll down, out of the top 100:
15 Mhunters
55 Fire Mages
29Destro locks
Why is the focus and hate so fixated on Mhunters? Is it because the other melee classes aren’t up to par and aren’t receiving love from blizzard? So again… the majority of top tier dps is FIRE MAGES>DESTRO LOCKS> MHUNTERS. Why don’t we see conversations about how OP mages are? or how good Destro Locks are doing? Why do we only see melee hunter nerfs and no nerfs to the other 2? The numbers are clear on that graph. The clear lack of buffs to the other melee classes, Pallys, Warriors, Rogues, Cats. Why do hunters keep getting blamed for the lack of attention the other classes are getting. Maybe I need to refresh my known definition of “balances/balancing” but this isn’t it.


How about just making the procs proc the Seal, instead? Still strong, still makes proc weapons paladin flavored. Give power back somewhere else less gear dependent.

Let’s go.

No more weapon swapping!

Can art of war reset the cooldown of avenger’s shield please!? =)

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Classic is kind of built around gear dependecy. Your gear really matters and largely determines what your playstyle will be. I’d say we just dodged a massive bullet and i’m okay not asking for anything more. Personally I like where paladin is at right now and I’d be fine with these two different ret playstyles getting fully flushed out in future phases.

Why can’t we balance classes without murdering them? 30% decrease to damage is actually insane.


You rock man, and let everyone on the team know they rock for this decision. I’ve had a ton of fun with this as ret.


If you are nerfing melee hunters, please buff ranged. All hunter specs will be underperforming now.