You just ruined dragon flying

Fun detected, fun removed


Your post deserves more upvotes, cuz we all know thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s going to happen.


Shadowlands 2: Return of the Timegate


Most people loved Torghastā€¦ Until it launched with a bunch of added grinds.

Probably a lot like the Micro transaction tactic of getting all the game reviewers playing it without all the negative micro transaction mechanics. Then they get added after launch.


Fantasy world, fantasy planet, fantasy game, elves and dragonsā€¦

ā€œmore realisticā€¦ā€



The realism argument is deranged.
Anyone that makes that argument should be instantly dismissed as a nutter.

Why, can I, as a Rogue, disappear from view in full sunlight?
You wanna go down the realism road??? Really??

Bring it on.

Only Blizzard would look at travel systems being too ā€œfunā€ and ā€œfastā€ and think it needs an immediate change.

They hate the idea of players getting places too quickly.
Remember when we had HGWT and how it ā€œbrokeā€ the game and everyone begged them to remove it for the sake of balance? /s


Gotta have super boring realism in our game about time traveling space goats who worship a crystal monster made of light


This makes the game grow! :rofl:


This reminds me of the absolutely demented reason they made world quests 100x slower in SL.

They claimed that people hated having to travel between world quests so quickly.

As if anyone cared that I flew to a WQ in BFA, killed the mobs in 30s and flew to the next WQ.

Blizzard always learn the wrong lesson from feedback.

We didnt like WQs cos they were mandatory not because we could fly between them quickly


Thatā€™s how it usually goes with this dev team and anything thatā€™s ā€œtoo much funā€, you hate to see it :expressionless:


And yet we keep playing WoW while they do it every expansion

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Agreed. Itā€™s poop that they nerfed it so hard when it didnā€™t provide a tactical advantage. itā€™s just convenience every FIVE MINUTESā€¦

Five minutes is already so dumb considering theres no actual competitive advantage to anyone being faster out in the world. They said dracthyr could be their own flying mount and its such swillā€¦

Why cant I use my wings for regular flight? WHY?


If you really thought Blizzard would listen and not pull another Torghast with Dragon Riding, you are just as much of a clown as they are.
Canā€™t wait for my sub to expire. This is why WoW is dying to XIV.

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Things should at the very least be internally consistent.

This nihilist approach of, ā€œif one thing isnā€™t realistic than nothing has to make sense or follow any rulesā€ is what should by instantly dismissed.

Realism, internal consistency, ability to suspend disbelief, are all things that need to be considered even if game play or convenience takes precedent in some situations.

Yep. I was stupid to renew my WoW sub. I should have known this expansion would end up just like the last.

Back to FFXIV I go.


nope wrong

there is no consistency in wow as a baseline

especially in term of physical movement

you really need to hop off the blizzard apologist train

So therefore should we be able to just type in coordinates anytime we want and warp somewhere? After all weā€™re not being realistic anymore. No need to travel between A and B.

the realism argument in wow is deranged

As a rogue I can disappear from view in bright sunlight.

If this change stays in, people will not come back en masse like they want.

Dragon riding is the flagship feature alongside talent trees.

if they get either of these wrong, like they are atm with dragonriding, they wil not get the return in players they need

I meanā€¦ mage portalsā€¦