You just ruined dragon flying

Facts right here.


You don’t know how widespread the hate is. The community tends to be pretty reactionary and so until more people have had a chance to play with it we won’t actually know how most people feel.

I’m not fighting. I’m just laughing how fast you were to undermine my stance on the situation because you couldn’t tolerate someone disagreeing with you.

Interesting. I’ll have to look at this more, but you’ve done a better job of explaining it than most people have here.

Kinda comical really.

In attempting to make a flying system that was better than in TBC they’ve hamstrung themselves.

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oh god here is the dictionary warrior rolling in to battle
without understanding subtlety or hyperbole

every content creator loved it, even people like Max who are purely focused on end game content thought it was great

You seem like you would be a real drag at parties, except no one invites you cos they dont want you around when they are trying to have fun


:+1:t5: Ah, much better!

Obviously they (the developers) thought it was somehow too powerful.
Taking that into consideration we can assume that they would be reluctant to do a full revert. What could be done to get it closer to what it was?
Or would a full revert to the previous build be the only viable solution?

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Since it is not a power providing system, a full revert is fine to me.

It is something that everyone can use, so no one person will gain a benefit over another.

It looked sharp and responsive and a real blast to use, but seeing Taliesins video was a huge gut punch, it looked and I am sure it felt to him, like lag.

If we all have the same fun, crisp system then I don’t see the problem.

The realism debate in WoW to me, is nonsensical, they want dragons to have weight like they would in our physical world, but as one example, mages turn the matter of the universe in to food with no energetic release on the creation of new bonds between matter.

Where is the line on realism. I say we don’t need one let dragons turn like Formula 1 cars.

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it’s not that they are anti-fun but they think fun must be drip-fed. makes their numbers look good or something.

no front-loaded fun for some reason. just slow drips to the point where you dont even feel it anymore D:

im guessing they wanna make it feel slugish at start and progressively better. - very slowly probably.

I can see that happening.

“Hey look at this awesome new feature! Dragonflight! And what’s even better? Everybody gets dragon flight at the beginning of the expansion!!”

“Wow! really! Everybody gets that?”

“Well… not exactly. See, you start off slow and cumbersome …but as you adventure through the wonders of this amazing expansion you can, maybe, might perhaps, unlock the potential of your mount getting faster and more agile!”

“So… how long until I get (points) That?”

“Eeeeh… about as long as pathfinder would have taken…”

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They look cute but their bite is deadly.

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I’ve said this in a couple of other posts about this but I’ll repeat it here anyway:

This change would not be so terrible if realism was part of the game’s movement kit in the first place, but the fact it hasn’t been up until this point is what makes the change very odd.
I’m used to waiting for my mount to turn in games like GW2 and BDO but putting it into the likes of WoW is questionable at best.
They’re trying to do something different in a game where inertia has been a thing for literally over a decade and wanting people to get used to a new feel that just frankly looks worse than my Griffon but, that’s surface level judgement and not having tested/played this new movement myself to really say.

I looked on youtube and couldn’t figure out who was making these videos. Hint?

But they removed systems in DF… or at least that is what they want us to believe… Bet this is renown 2.0. You’ll get one advancement a week and there will probably be something like 20 required advancements.


As I look more and more into this so called Dragon flying for DF I am not liking what I see coming …seems its more work to get to where ever you want to get too …its just another time gated form of moving around the world…to waste the players time while trying to farm up herbs or ores…can you just let us go back to old ways of flying when a character makes max level let them buy the damn flying and be done with it…


Blizzard: “We’re taking away flying and replacing it with something much better! You won’t miss old flying!”

Also Blizzard:


I swear to sweet baby jesus if they make turning a “specialisation” you need to earn I will kick some seal pups

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Hello, I see you made a thread about good changes. Once again, we clearly see that the fantastic developers of World of Warcraft have their finger on the pulse of the playerbase! This is a fantastic change that adds more depth and immersion to an already exciting feature!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Your specializations are “Control” “Speed” and “Stamina”.

You can turn good, you can go faster, or you can go longer.

But not all three!

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/s I hope!!

and this was a ‘good’ thing according to alpha testers?

ROFL :clown_face: :mans_shoe:

i cant tell what to make of this comment