It’s that incentive that is being disagreed with. For some people, it kills the fun, and is not percieved as necessary.
Uhh, yeah there is, and I literally just explained it.
Hard timer = A visible timer with a fail state attached. When a boss has an enrage mechanic after 5 minutes that wipes the raid? That’s a hard timer, because once the timer expires, you will most likely fail. The horrific vision timer? That’s a hard timer, if you haven’t killed the boss by the time your sanity runs out, you fail.
Soft timer = A hidden timer with no fail state attached. Things may get harder (or easier in some games) depending on how long you spend in a particular area or section of the game. But outside of those small changes, nothing else happens. You are not penalized like you would be if a hard timer was being used instead.
Ask yourself, have you ever played a puzzle game where after a while, a possible solution appears as a hint even though there’s no obvious timer? Maybe a narrator says something, or an object lights up to make it more obvious that you’re supposed to use the item or collect the thing? That’s an example of a soft timer. They appear in platforming games too. You might be having trouble with a particular platforming section of a game, but wait, suddenly the platforming section got a bit easier, you didn’t fail so quickly that time. Was it because you got better? Possibly, but you were also helped by the soft-timer which made the section a bit easier for you because you were taking too long to complete it and they didn’t want to roadblock you.
Im out, lol.
They sure ruin the game for me even in lowbie content when mythic players come grace us with their presence and cause 4 wipes thinking they have to race to the finish line and are unable to die to fearing mobs LMAO
Tell me about it.
I was really excited to take my fiance camping on floor 7.
And I heard on floor 15 there was a 3 day all inclusive 5 star hotel.
If you got to floor 40 you got a free 2 week cruise around the Caribbean.
We was even going to start a family on floor 69, found this nice little apartment on floor 80.
Now I don’t have time to do any of that thanks to this damn soft enrage timer.
people drink bleach everyday…
it is an effective way to sanitize potable water.
The “timer” is inconsequential, the least you could do is research what you’re complaining about before complaining about it.
Aka get your bathroom bottles ready fam
Yes well, those people will have to get over it, because game dev isn’t a democracy. It’s a dictatorship. These timers are so inconsequential (and apparently don’t even come into effect until after Floor 10) that they’re not worth kicking up a fuss over at all. But whingers are going to whinge even though what’s being implemented is nothing like the Visions which they currently hate.
Nosia is 100% correct on this. I understand people are worried about a timer… but it’s really not a big deal, and probably needed.
Joke/Troll or did you not realize you can rest at the start of each floor without any timer kicking in?
Nah didnt realize it. I keep hearing this getting compared to visions which does not have a mechanic like that.
They put a timer on it?!?! Hell yeah!! Pre-order purchased!
I actually agree, I do kind of understand the timer, but at the same time I believe it’s a lot more fulfilling to run without a timer just to see how far you can get.
Yeah I missed it at first too and had to re-read the patch notes. Honestly I drink way too much coffee to sit in the same place for long, so this was welcome news.
Again, you can literally do that.
If it was a hard-timer, you’d be right in thinking that you can’t ‘see how far you get’ because if you don’t beat the hard-timer, you fail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to jail.
But it’s a soft-timer, so you are by no means penalized if you exceed the timer. You can explore to your hearts content, and Blizzard has even stated that the soft-timer will be liberal enough to allow you to explore levels at your own pace. The only thing that happens if you don’t get out of the level by the time the soft-timer ends, is that the level gets harder to complete.
Ah okay, thanks for clarifying. So the timer only affects rewards I’m guessing?
Some people seem to be forgetting that level clearing is exaggerated on the alpha.
I really don’t think the few people who will sit on a floor for hours warrants ruining Torghast for everyone.
Doesn’t affect rewards at all. There is no penalty for failing the soft-timer.
Basically after level 10 the soft-timer comes into play. From that point onwards, if you spend a long time on a level, the Jailer sends more monsters into the level to fight you, making the level a bit more challenging, but not impossible. You will still be able to clear the level at your own pace without getting kicked out.
Additionally at the start of every level there is a ‘safe zone’ where the timer does not come into play at all regardless of what level you’re on. So if you need to take a break to get food, take a bio break or do really anything away from the keyboard, you can do that without getting punished by a harder level being thrown at you.
2020 Bliz = spreadsheet game design. They don’t do testing or balance since at least BfA (8.1 shaman class ‘fixes’ anyone?), they only tweak rows and columns on on the class sheet now.
Those Activision Investor earnings calls have to show a reduction in overhead and development costs, and Bliz took those cuts straight out of their balance dev time.
The lack of any intent to balance the covenant system from the start is proof of that.
Blizzard have already stated that they’re planning to make it so that there’s no clear ‘best performer’ for classes/specs when it comes to the covenant system because they don’t want folks to feel forced to pick Covenant X over Covenant Y because it has better performance.
But realistically, we know that’s going to happen anyway, because the wow community has ruined itself by focusing more on numbers and less on gameplay.