You have two choices for TWW main

Monk spells look cooler, but realistic answer: Whichever has the most amount of progress done, so like, most quests, raids finished, etc, I like having most stuff on a single character.

Monk because of race. The made a dwarven monk for remix, not expecting much. Absolute blast. Mines in full beachwear, plus chen’s hat and chens ale barrel back piece.

Monk, unless you have ADD or ADHD or any of those. Then you need the button mashing of demon hunter to keep you settled.

One of the biggest factors in choosing a main for me is the ability to “immerse” myself into the character. I don’t role-play, but immersive gameplay still helps me enjoy the game.

Demon Hunters don’t really feel like they fit in the WoW universe after the conclusion of Legion. It’s almost like, “Now that the Burning Legion has been defeated, why don’t you go ahead and give up your demonic powers? Isn’t it nothing more than a risk to hold onto them?” It would be really neat to see Demon Hunter NPCs in-game “evolve” in this way.

Monks are often heavily tied to Pandaria and the Celestial Wild Gods inhabiting it, which has revisiting focus from time to time (most recent being the BFA Old God outdoor event in BFA). Otherwise, Monks can still “pass off” just being a “brawler” to punches and kicks stuff, so it’s easier to immerse into the character as the world of Azeroth continues to progress forward.

Demon Hunters also suffer from limited race selection, as many have mentioned. That also hurts its “immersion” potential.

A new game since i don’t like either .

I am thinking about getting back into Monster Hunter Rise.

Would love to see DH opened up to more races, not like combo lore matters anymore lol

Havoc DH just because I’m biased and it’s comfortable to me. Also it has good build variety

They keep the options relatively balanced as well. Usually the mover and no mover builds are within 5%of each other

Monk for sure, for me, even though I don’t play it much anymore. It is one of the 3 classes in the game that can do all 3 roles, and I just happen to play the other two instead.

If you only plan to DPS, it is more of a toss-up, maybe.

Both are in my spec pool and I decided for Havoc instead of WW. Because everything is boring in WoW nowadays and you just stand there moving your weapons doing your 4 button rotation with every single melee including WW, so with havoc at least you have something more to worry about, consequently, more engaging/fun experience. Plus windwalker is just a carnival nowadays and that takes my immersion completely away. 3 Xuen tigers at the same time, a serpent floating completely frozen floating on the ground (???), colorful versions of yourself at the same time…What the hell is that? I mean c’mon, It was my main for almost 10 years but

DH aren’t even a complete class yet. Evokers even have a third spec.

Monk all day.

Y’all necro’d Peppermint’s thread, likely a little late with the advice here folks.

Monk. I rolled on for Remix, my first one, really. It’s not my preferred play style, but personally, I rate DH near the bottom of the classes I want to play.

Windwalker monk.

Yeah, but I appreciate it. I went with Havoc first to 80, and now I’m leveling WW. Not sure on what the next one will be. I’ve got it into my head to focus on leveling five alts before anything else to get the exp bonus and because I’m stupid. Maybe warlock.


Good choice! I love my DH.

Also great choice, had a great time on my Lock during pre-patch, excited to play xpac with her.

Have fun Peppermint!

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To me Demon Hunter is the only class that plays like an actual modern game. Other classes just feel so dated in their abilities to me. Double jump and glide are just too fun to pass up.

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