You have two choices for TWW main

Oh and when you kiss your mate you have lessened the risk of eye gouging…

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Fel rush and the hunt says hi

DHs wings can glide over water and prevent fall damage, can glide in style

Ah yeah, constantly making sure you can’t press the same button twice or suffer a dps loss is fun

Fel scarred DH will laugh at you at launch

This talent says hi, along with the DH mastery

Coming from a void elf who’s jealous they can’t be A DH

Warglaives are superior

Fel bats are better than a talking tiger who won’t shut up

Monks fantasy stopped after legion they have been neglected for years now

That still sucks since blizzard will never make it mount speed

That’s cute, Engineering portals galore is better at least it can take you each expansions zone instead of being stuck at a turtle

Fel glowing eyes is better

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Guarding the eyes is part of the mating ritual.

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Yesterday someone straight face said Dark Ranger has phenomenal animations.
I’m convinced some people here are masters of subtle humor.


Demon Hunter. I have one Monk and he’s a joke character.

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Damn. Sorry to see you go. Hopefully we’ll see you back in the future!


I’d pick Demon Hunter just to do that super annoying bounce around with the wings that every person that seems to play Demon Hunter does. :joy: :joy: :joy:


Opinions are a dime a dozen. You are more than welcome to enjoy the Demon Hunter class. Stop forcing everyone to follow what you think about them.

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WW Monk is the correct option BTW.

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Yeah momentum and all that jazz is not my favorite. I really like when builds without it are competitive as well

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WW Monk.

Why? Because she is going to be my main anyway. lol

I love playing her.

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I just don’t have the free time to sink into the game. It’s not because I hate it.


Unfortunately I believe the opposite is true. And in truth most people are dumber than a box of rocks to even come up with humor.


Get the class mount and really annoy your raid group during explanation times. It’s super fun.

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WW monk good spot rn

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Gliding is usually faster than running

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Well I have been a havoc main for 2 expansions now, I will stick with it.

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Sigh… I ahve to do my order hall. Because I need that crazy bent neck owl abomination…

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I’ve only played a DH for probably a few hours max, so correct me if I’m wrong - DH having power boosts tied to their mobility spells is hilarious. Having to launch yourself out of position to DPS properly sounds like the opposite of fun. But eh, their mobility is always so highly regarded, so I guess some people like that lol


Dh doesnt have bad mobility
Its worse than monk but better than say priest

Okay so both have tools for the job.
But you cant glide over water. You can jump hop spam over it.

Yes, it is.

Sure thing

24% passive no requirements is better

I dont want to be one.
I dont like the restrictive lore, the edginess, or the lack of a healing spec.

No theyre ugly


This is meaningless

Dont need to be mount speed to quickly get up a cliff or across a gap without needing to mount

And if youre not an engineer?


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