yea and it kinda sucks im not fighting anyone in my own gear bracket most of these or at least it feelsl ike it
“Casual BGs” aren’t for casual players these days sadly and is more a bullying sim for geared players to destroy casuals.
Just 2 ilvls away! I knew i was being shunned
wondering if i should try to roll affliction necorlord for BG’s or just keep staying with destro
Put them on ignore and enjoy your BG. Tough luck for them.
If you’re really undergeared watch those dots tickle lol.
so screwed ethe way i guess
Yep. Terrible system
That feel when u get bullied for existing
They’re not sending their best
i mean how else you gonna gear up? i got the conq weapon and almost full upgrades in about 15 hours of playtime in my pally. Took me the whole week, judt did a random, a epic and the brawl everyday. Then spammed epics and some randoms here and there.
Prolly didnt take long due the fact its an ally char
At this point isn’t it like rated bgs but just has the word “random” in it. Idk who would que for such punishment in casual gear
sure wish i could win that much on alliance lol mind you i am playing alliance im not pvping on this character
That’s just mental warfare.
They were trying to DPS your feelings.
You’re supposed to buy tokens and then boosts for gear. That’s why the gear gap exists. Blizzard greed.
Oh god, my eyes
I agree with the just queueing for Epic BG. Your contribution matters a little less and for things like WG and IOC you can just do the vehicles and help out. They don’t go slow too often either. WG defense takes a little longer and AV has potential but overall it’s probably a safer bet being 2% of a team than 10%.
That said nobody should be shaming anyone in Random BGs. Templates helped with it but people hated those so rip to gearing. Templates overall were fine they just need to be based on current stat ratios (which I think they might have been later but hazy on that).
I won most IOCs and ashrans i got, to my surprise.
it seems like ally wins a lot more late night too.
Anyway ignore dummies, with 233 you can in fact play descently, evne though the 1 shots arent goign anywhere everynow and then something end up almost 1 shoting me even with rival gear and D stance up in this war lol.
God forbid players are rewarded for doing harder content.
Ask GD why Mythic raids drop better gear than LFR and you’ll get some weird mixture of “bobby”, “yacht”, “token” and “FOMO”.