Not a party thing, but guild… I was in a guild when WoD launched. The gm and his wife both played. The had two infants. The day it launched they got max level in about the time I took to gain two levels. So, I casually asked how they managed that. Instant kick. No warning, no discussion, after almost a year in the guild.
A whole lot of episodes of “Things That Didn’t Happen” in this thread. Almost a full season I think.
Only been removed from a group a handful of times, the last time it was because the group I joined was two dps friends, I made the third, then after sitting in queue for a while a tank/dps combo popped up in the list. They removed me to make room for the tank to bring his dps partner.
I thought “hey, that’s reasonable” and joined another group.
Generally speaking, the things that will get you removed from a group is stuff like being rude or insulting to other party members, going afk with no explanation, consistently messing up mechanics, or performing far below everyone else. If you dont do those things odds are you wont get kicked much if at all.
Rated battlegrounds, mostly.
Been playing a few alts and taking them into RBGs, having a bit of fun with that.