Just don’t join in toxic groups and you won’t ever have to worry about being removed. I sidestep those 90% of the time by just joining specific groups, preferably chill ones. Otherwise, make your own.
While leveling I’ve either been removed or seen others removed for going after the quest items in dungeons, but the same people that kick, will gladly run off and grab every single item for themselves.
What content are you doing where Discord is mandatory? Like, real talk. I have a genuine panic disorder and have pugged +18s and done them without issue without voice chat.
Same question. What are you doing that requires discord. I have joined an unfamiliar discord maybe 3 times in my entirety of my WoW life, and those were achievement runs where I needed to listen to what to do because they were achievement runs (AKA Glory of the Sanctum Raider and such) and we had to do specific things.
This is relatively normal in leveling dungeons or timewalking. There just isn’t a lot of damage going out and if a DPS has something like an Onyx Annulet with a Blood Stone in it, they’ll likely outheal the Healer.
If you’re kicking people in timewalking for failing mechanics, the group is just bad. Failing mechanics in Timewalking 99.9% of the time won’t wipe you. There’s .1% of the time where it will wipe you - like when the tank pulled the 2nd boss of Court of Stars this week with all 3 adds because he had never done the dungeon before and apologized and had me explain. But in general, it won’t wipe you. So if the group kicks someone for failing a mechanic - that’s a bad group.
And I know these aren’t reasons you’ve kicked people, just reasons you’ve seen - just pointing out these are stupid reasons to kick people. Lol.
I’ve been kicked literally for talking. Like, quite literally, a tank told people that I was talking too much and they don’t play WoW for the conversation so kick me or they they need to kick him and wait for a new tank, so the group kicked me. This was back in Siege of Orgrimmar LFR, right before we pulled Nazgrim, so I had to requeue and sit through the entire dang wing again. -.-
Did a dungeon, low level and we had such a speed running tank level 10.
He did not like fighting trash, so he kept avoiding it. A priest in group was more into it, so she kept pulling trash mobs in. He was unable to handle more than 1 mob, so we wiped.
The tank screamed in caps “kick her!”. I was removed from the group, the Priest remained.
I think the last time I was removed from a group that was actually doing things (rather than being invited/removed immediately) was a long long time ago. Was playing SPriest with a tank friend. We were in the Cataclysm dungeon with the naga and old Neptulon (may he rest in octopieces). We knew the way around so after we killed the bosses and had to go back down, I went back down with my friend while the healer and other two DPS got lost. Yes, they actually got lost in that dungeon which consists of four hallways and an elevator with portals for quick ways down.
While me and my friend are two-manning the trash waiting for the other people to find out how to get there, the trio vote-kicked me because they were lost. Friend in voice was cracking up and also left the dungeon so we could queue again. So I guess we can count “Not being lost” also counts as a valid reason to some.
Lets be honest, the fastest way to get removed from groups is to talk… like AT ALL. The more attention you draw to yourself the more likely you are to be booted.
The dumbest thing I almost got removed from a group for was during pandaria, “gate of the whatever” dungeon and the tank got mad at me for “jumping around too much”. I was jamming to tunes, doing all my “hit the thing” stuff, just some sourpuss that hated seeing someone having a good time (vote to kick failed cause I was lead DPS since I had my MoP cloak.)
wearing a single 320ish ilvl item along side 395-411 gear when group is forming for anything over +9 going to have to p2w on my evoker to replace that thing. ty rng
failed attempts to get removed include asking “what is insert taunt ability here for”, before the start of any content.
“i can heal but none of my abilities are on the bars”
(granted, that only happened once in BfA on an alt, at it was fine… healing out of the spell book… and tbf it was between not doing the key before the reset or letting me heal on my dps only monk. … cant kick if there is only 5 people online to even do the key~
oh OH
mention how you destroyed a pvp team on that same map and dont know why the new group was having issues with them… dont let thoughts reach the chat unfiltered. The commentary isn’t likely to be read in the context of what you mean (trying to pin down the tactical difference that changed so you can counter the issue, not indirectly telling the rest of the team they are bad when clearly they are not)
I used to say “yo” whenever I’d join a group. Last time was in legion and was met with “yO Yo waT uP dAWg” and was then removed. I now just don’t say anything unless spoken to, people pick the weirdest things to be sensitive about and I’m just trying to play a game