Things you can say/Replies that will lead to such a thing, in a group:
“What’s discord?/I don’t use discord.”
“I have discord installed, but I don’t have a mic/can’t talk.” (Not always a game breaker, but you can talk and play at the same time. Typing is harder.)
“Can I DPS as (non-meta spec in competitive PvP/PvE activity)??” (I feel you can only really do this if you’ve got a guild or friends that don’t care. The average PuG group cares about comp in competitive, I’d say.)
Going the wrong way than the rest of the party- not paying attention. Mostly a Mythic+ thing but can happen in PvP too.
Being abnormally low on meters (below tank or heals while being a DPS. Or, heals somehow being outhealed by DPS. Tanks outhealing heals is fairly normal these days, especially on a BDK.)
Failure of mechanics, especially if it’s something that’s been out for years, IE Timewalking. I’ve seen people kicked for not stacking before the end boss of TBC’s Alcatraz, thus causing a wipe.
Political speech. Had a battleground group about a week ago in Discord, and it was shut down because someone couldn’t stop bringing up Trump in the voice chat, lol. I just wanted to play. RIP, that group.
What’s some other stuff you’ve seen that will lead to an instant removal?
Asking the average WoW player how they’d feel if they didn’t eat breakfast today, and continuing to press them when they go “but I did eat breakfast today”.
i feel like, especially if you have aotc, there’s very little you need discord for and i dont want to hear mouthbreathing and yelling kids in the background distracting me. just tell me odds or evens and i’m good
I play with a rather loud fan behind me on hot days (room has poor circulation) so I can use that excuse sometimes, whenever I don’t feel like talking.
I’ve had girls in the group unwilling to talk, very understandable lol. So many thirsty dudes that don’t realize how cringe they are, and with no social skills whatsoever.
WoW is not a place girls go to look for dates, they just wanna play like the rest of us. (Especially if they cannot see what you look like, lmao.)
Also have had groups of man-children that wouldn’t just shut the hell up, so I’d stay quiet and just listen for important objectives and stuff.
had times where showing up to a dungeon after a long queue as a vulpera got me kicked… not sure why people show such hatred for the little fox people. I once got kicked from a dungeon because the other dps stood in the fire as it were and died and I was also a DPS but the healer and tank blamed me for their deaths when tank couldn’t keep aggro to save his life
pretty much yeah…some folk kick me when I play a dracthyr because I refuse to be the healer or use my ugly visage form 90% of the time. I mean come on people I rolled one to play a dragon that destroys things not some ugly human or elf, the passive for visage form is barely noticeable as well
The vast majority of discord use is absolutely not needed, for the content I do. Maybe in 20+ keys, cool fine. But for lower keys? Nah. I’m done with that nonsense, unless it is guildies. And that is if my arms are cooperating with me at the time.