This error message sometimes pops up when I am logging out of a character. I’m actually not disconnected.
I’ve been getting this for a couple days. Every time I log out, and select a different character, it gives me the error but doesn’t actually boot me.
I have 3 active accounts on the same bnet. I now realize that it is only happening on one of them.
Ive also been getting this only happens in retail and not classic wow very annoying hope this can be fixed soon
I’ve gotten this message as far back as 2 years so it’s been a rare bug that happens now and then. I don’t think Blizzard has figured out why the error occured since it’s so intermittent and rare.
i also have this message and it’s random usually it last for a day then gone for a few days and back again.
I’ve gotten this and suspect it’s related to server lag; the ack of the logout is delayed, the server breaks the connection, the client is confused
Having same issue.
This issue is still happening. I have three accounts active on my Bnet. It happens to all three. Again, SAYS they’re disconnected, but they aren’t.
It’s still quite annoying and happens with EVERY logout. Thanks to how the Pet tab is handled (have to log off characters to pass pet tab ownership), I go through this several times PER ACCOUNT per day.
It’s been happening a lot more frequently lately.
Same here everymorning when i log on i get this message
Same issue still.
Having this all day today.
This is definitely not a retail only issue as it has happened to me a number of times on classic (pre-TBC release) and classic TBC.
Today I opened WoW and left it on the character select screen for a few minutes while I was checking email and junk and when I tabbed back in it said I had been disconnected despite still being on the character select screen.
For me the issue normally occurs after I log out of a character (none specifically), this was the first time I’ve seen it before ever having logged in.
What’s especially annoying is they give you a link for “help” that gives you no information whatever about the error code.
this has been happening to me for over a week.
just changing toons or after flying a few taxi hops.
i’m thinking it is something to do with their spyware watching where you go with a browser, the only coincident i can think of.
This is happening on one of my accounts again today, any suggestions?
Edit: Wierd ok, I authenticated to the official wow site to post this posting and used my authenticator to approve the connection and suddenly its not doing it in game anymore. tray bizarre right? The connection boss is at it again.
Still happening as of today.
Happening to me as well
It still happens occasionally. Once it starts it keeps happening every time I log in or out of a character. Alt-F4 and restarting seems to fix it.
6- 4: Edit to add: still happening. Close the game window to fix it.