You have been disconnected from Blizzard Services

I am connecting and reconnecting to Blizzard Services, over and over and over again. Endlessly.

I have never seen this before, but random disconnects and friends list has been down.

Is this happening to everyone else? Every 30 seconds I am connecting and reconnecting


Multiple. Plenty of post already.

Fortunately, at least for me anyway, there’s no loss of connection to the game servers.

At first it was just the disconnect / reconnect spam in game. This morning it’s actually disconnecting me back to the login screen where I can press reconnect and log back in.


Yup same.

Yeah and my bad I was looking at the customer service forum… not the tech support. Mods moved it over after I posted. Whoops

this is not just disconnecting and reconnecting to the bnet social sector, but the actual servers of battlenet as well. i constantly disconnect from the servers and will randomly get 3-7k world ms spikes w no home ms. i can normally handle epic bgs with no ms or fps loss, max graphics even w ray tracing on. ever since prepatch, my computer cannot handle a regular bg in 3/10 graphics. prebuilt gaming computer from microcenter that cost a lot, makes no sense as my wifi is fine as well(over 300mbps upload). its only world ms, and only battlenet servers im having issues with. im finding that in instanced pvp its so laggy either for me, or if not for me, its the other team lagging terribly and its like a free win. its very lame and i hope its addressed. maybe dont annually sub to a game in case stuff like this isnt immediately given attention by a blue post at minimum, the incentive to fix a game is vastly higher if unsubbing means they lose tremendous money the following month, not year.

This has been happening to me for weeks and Im sick of it. I can’t even open a ticket since Blizzard is trash, and the ticket window never loads in-game or online. But, hey I can open the in-game shop and give them money no worries.

Guess its time to call my bank and do a charge back since Blizzard can’t get their act together and address this.

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Yes, this is gettin out of hand. Been happening since prepatch

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Same here disconnecting every 10 to 15 minutes since prepatch, starting to think it will never be fixed.

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I got a copypasta response from Blizz, blaming me for their servers being down.

" After thorough review, I found that we have offered all the troubleshooting that we can for these issues. You will have to either contact a local computer tech or your ISP for further assistance in this case."

make it make sense.

BTW, this only happens on high-pop servers EG Illidan. I can log onto an alt in 5 seconds and my friends chat & guild works totally fine.

It’s beyond annoying. Makes getting people together to play from guild annoying. Not everyone is watching discord etc.

im able to talk to people from the bnet launcher, and from my alliance characters in game, but any horde character has the friends list empty, and if i ever try to log into my area 52 character, it crashes and i can no longer enter any realm.

ive narrowed it down even more to only my horde characters on illidan and area 52, my aggramar horde are fine

I’m on Illidan and I’ve had to set my Bnet launcher to “show offline” for my account because my friends are getting spammed that I’m going on and offline. This is by far the most annoying bug in recent memory.

Im on Illidan too, it only happens with my characters on Illidan which is my main server.

I’ve done all the troubleshooting methods Blizzard has, cleared my cache and WTf folder, redownloaded the game client, moved characters out of the warband slots on the login screen. I’m out of ideas at this point and its more frustrating that Blizzard GM said this is on my end.

Confirming that I’m having the bug non-stop on Illidan also

I’m also on Illidan and have experienced since this since the prepatch event began. However, it needs to be reported in Bug Report since tech support is a player-help-player area and players can’t assist with that type of issue.

Elocin, OP said about 3 or 4 comments from top the post was moved to tech support by mods.

General post - +1. I’m on Frostmourne OCE which is also high pop. Besides the connected/disconnected from blizz services, since yesterday I’m now also being immediately disconnected from the game upon first login on a character. I get kicked back to the logged out/reconnect window. After that I log in perfectly fine.

New xpac fun times.

i think WowVoiceProxy.exe is tided into the blizzard services i don’t know because i did have it renamed to WowVoiceProxy.exe.bak try ending that exe to see if it stops spamming the channel

Glad to hear this issue isn’t JUST happening to me, atleast…

Mods can make mistakes.