You have been disconnected from Blizzard Services

Yes same problem! and im on Illidan too. WEIRD

I deleted the old wtf/interface folders, and the problem went away for a few hours, then came back.

Itā€™s so annoying. Please fix this. Itā€™s terrible.

online offline online offlineā€¦

Happening to me on Illidan too and Iā€™m beyond frustrated with it. I was reading other forums about possible fixes and someone said to download the addon called ā€œBlockChineseā€ and it definitely helped when I was out and about questing but the second I went back to Dornogal, it went back to constantly disconnecting. Leaving trade chat didnā€™t help from my experience.

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Updating: I previously was only having this problem on Illidan and not my alliance toon on Sargeras, but now itā€™s happening on Sargeras too.

Unfortunately, itā€™s not just an Illidan thing after all.

This happens to me on Area52. If I switch to another realm thats lower pop, no issues.

can confirm this is happening to me also and iā€™m on illidan.

Iā€™m on Illidan and this has been going on for a while now but recently my social tab isnā€™t workingā€¦ but yeah Iā€™m constantly getting that Disconnected/Connected from blizzard services spamā€¦

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I had this issue intermittently over the last week, but now itā€™s constant. Canā€™t run dungeons or anything with my friends and guildies because I canā€™t connect. Also went through the same basic troubleshooting processes as others in this thread, and similarly didnā€™t do anything.

This is clearly an issue on Blizzardā€™s end, and they need to fix this crap now.

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Still happening on A52 horde and FM alliance, kind of getting tired of Blizz trying to avoid the blame when itā€™s blatantly obviously not a thing we can fix on our end.

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Why is no one from Blizzard responding or even acknowledging this problem? It is beyond frustrating. Iā€™m glad that all of you have been commenting your experience with it.

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This is happening to me on both A52 and Thrall. I also discovered tonight that I log out of a character while Iā€™m disconnected, I canā€™t log back in to that or any other character without shutting the game down completely and starting over.

Because itā€™s being reported in the wrong place (tech support is a player-help-player area now). Needs to go in Bug Report

Mods moved it to this threadā€¦ So idk what to tell ya.

Guess it lives here and itā€™s just a lounge for us players who are struggling with bad connections

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Lounge away~

:tropical_drink::palm_tree: :beach_umbrella:
:couch_and_lamp: :wine_glass: :tv:
:beer: :video_game: :pizza:

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On Illidan also - happening constantly since prepatch, beyond ultra annoying

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Theres alot of functionality issues im noticing this expansion that ive never had issues with before in my entire time playing wow. Its kind of crazy how they can break things that have worked for a decade lol

my illidan toon is also having issues, constantly since the prepatch and its only on her.

there are a lot of reports posted in the Bug Report part of the Forums that have no response from someone from blizzard thatā€™s why most people going to post here

still happening for me. annoying as h3ll