You have 3 wishes, now fix wow!

  1. Before making any complaint on the forums, GD posters forced to upload a current full-body, high-resolution photo of themselves

  2. Vulperan are enslaved and ritually executed by the Void Lords and canonically no one cares

  3. Region-wide auction house and mythic raiding

Retcon back MoP.

That’s it. You can keep the other two. Take the story back to before all this garbage time traveling, actually make fighting the legion more meaningful, completely avoid the dumpster fire of WoD and SL.

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So you’d want to get rid of 85% of the playerbase and most of the games progression/catch up? Alright lol.

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  • Fully revamp all specs and talents to be within 5% of eachother. Give proper flavour/niches to EACH spec, and make talents be more than a 3 row table of “pick this one its the best 90% of the time”.
  • Remove all burrowed power systems except for legendries. Legendries though do not require a resource like soul ash, and the items can be bought from NPC’s (but require rep).
  • Add player housing that interacts with professions.

This makes me laugh. As someone who did the content I can say that it is absolutely NOT TRUE. I will give you Sunwell Plateau was pretty damn hard and I believe a Blizzard quoted it as ‘stupid hard’ but that is really about it. Look how quickly people have cleared Classic and are clearing content in BC Classic. Classic was simple by design but unforgiving in teamwork or lack there of.

The issue with the game now is how much worse the community is and is evident if you followed Classic at all. Look at how people treated others in Classic compared to back in the day. You were required to have world buffs to do farm content because you would clear it maybe 5 minutes faster. You could not raid in a spec that was not optimal (that word didn’t even exist in Vanilla). This game used to be simple by design and easy for anyone to get into if they put in the work (the real reason for Vanilla and TBC success). Now there is terrible gatekeeping done by the community and shame upon shame thrown at people underperforming to what the community has deemed acceptable (usually the top 15% of your class/spec). This game is going to continue to die so long as the community as a whole is so unwelcoming to new players.

  1. Make all 3 pillars of endgame equal in terms of rewards in both power and pacing.

  2. Revamp talent trees so choices affect how you play instead of what content you’re good at. (Passive vs Active resource generation instead of single target vs AoE, for example).

  3. More regular balance patches. Like every week. Build an AI to do it, so it’s completely objective.

My 3 wishes:

  • Bring back unhinged class design from MoP where every spec felt powerful, or even late Legion
  • Bring back PvP gearing system from WoD where one could quickly farm honor set and then work towards max level conquest set without any rating
  • Stop with all the “mainstream currency from a specific side-content” stuff, let people play whatever they want and get whatever they need just from playing it

snaps fingers “Boom glyphs are back as the continued expansion to expansion customization system, no more borrowed powers along with WotLK’s cross spec trees being back.”

snaps fingers a second time “Bam Yas got a Light versus Void expansion that’ll not only expand Draenor’s garrison into proper housing with all the stuff removed in WoD, but the faulty plot of SL has been fixed along with the lore.”

snaps fingers a second time “Wham blam you got yer vast open world full of amazing world quests back along with some more solo content for the casuals.”

  1. Make the Global Cooldown two-three times longer, adjust HP of mobs and players accordingly, now that we got rid of the fortnite silliness and the extra clicky

  2. Remove time limits from Torghast, or make the timer bonus only (5 stars if it took you hours). Same for Mythic+, give us an option to smartly clear rather than every mythic just being the same speed run slightly adjusted for that weeks hassle. A 3 player team clearing ALL of Mythic+X deserves more than 5 players cheesing through with skips. Torghast demonstrates they are already working on scoring systems that are more than stop watches, let’s see it applied overall. You can keep the wham-bam systems for the twitchy players who want them and do better alongside that without throwing anything out.

  3. Every week we should get something
 race, transmogs, a dungeon, new WQ’s, etc.

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I wish the tokens away.
I wish for queue available keys, gear score must be matched.
I wish for far more customization.
I wish for better balancing of classes.

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I agree with all your points, wants, wishes here. We share similar ideas. Revamping or updating graphics of old content and items.

Class halls should be relevant in every expansion.

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Agree with all points. I think the garrison should be account bound, with one bank to keep all your toons boe, gold, xmog, mats, etc. Get rid of Banking guilds.

World quests for old content areas would be absolutely amazing! Great idea!!! Good way to increase rep for that area’s faction also!

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  1. Compress the scaling of gear between raid tiers and make it to where non-M+ dungeons will always give lower level gear than the first raid of the expansion, therefore making all raids relevant throughout.
  2. More (and more robust) non-power based activities for people to put their time into between lockouts.
  3. No more ability to look up information about the game online. That includes parses, talent builds, quest information, datamining etc. The next expansion is a complete mystery and people actually have to go explore it to find out what’s been added.

I’m a casual and I don’t think that. We roleplayers and casuals are paying customers too, WoW isn’t an exclusive club nor it shouldn’t be. It’s a quick way to kill a game if only a small percentage of people are good at it and/or see the content. You just want to be a big fish in a small pond is what that is.

The game is for anyone who wants to enjoy it, this is also a ROLEPLAYING game, so what is your beef with roleplayers anyway?

You probably also think Transmog is bad too.


look at your gear you dont call your self a caual ?


No race/class combo restritoins. No Transmog restrictions. Soloable raids (all tiers) with anima power like solo system.

all pvp activities should be against AI just like how all pve is done against AI
everybodays happy

I only need one!

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  1. delete raiding
  2. delete PvP
  3. console mode with access to adjust every possible parameter in the game