You have 3 wishes, now fix wow!

  1. Bring back justice/valor points WITH the vendor. (It was a great system. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Seriously)

  2. Flying enabled as soon as an xpac drops for gold at max level.

  3. Timers relegated to Challenge Mode type dungeons for cosmetic rewards only. Mythic+ still exists, but no timer attached.


I no-life and can’t keep alts in end-game…

  1. Bots are able to be kept out of the game.
  2. A feedback forum where you can see an employee has read your thread. No need to actually respond, but that would be added bonus.
  3. Suggestion/content creation forum where you can earn Bnet balance if your suggestion makes it to the game.
  1. remove outside sources of passives and abilities besides small passive effects on powerful weapons, everything is built into our classes.

  2. flying upon reaching max level.

  3. go back on Azeroth.

  1. Less grindy systems and currencies. I know Blizz thinks this improves their time played metrics without actually creating that much content, but my time played is about to go to 0. Focus resources toward developing world content, and away from developing and maintaining all of these systems.
  2. Remove rating requirements for upgrading gear in pvp and shrink the ilvl gaps between rated and unrated players.
  3. Let’s get away from cosmic, sci-fi type settings and go back to Azeroth. You have this massive amount of land mass that no one ever goes to. Make it relevant again.
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Flying unlocked when we hit max level or within 2 weeks after, either with pathfinder or something similar.

Better end game content like mage tower, Visions, that actually reward something for your time.

Stop tailoring to elites and make game the same for everyone.

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  1. Get this company off the public exchange by any means necessary. Having to answer to investors works for some kinds of companies. it doesnt for this one. Sell the game to a private company if necessary.

  2. Find better writers. Can anyone who even mentions the word ‘system’.

  3. Stop trying to milk the game for every dime. Sometimes you have to sleep in a box down by the river and put every dime of profit back into your business. IF what youre doing CAN be profitable, then its worth the investment. If not, why are you wasting your time in the first place.

  1. Add ducks to the game
  2. Make it so hunters can tame the ducks
  3. Add a duck flying mount

Change dev mindset to enhance players rather than restrict and inhibit them.

Return to gear based progression in place of these systems that have lost feeling or meaning to players.

Please for the love of all things holy, give us a story that people are interested in following. This 1970s movie villian and redemption plot style isn’t holding anyone’s attention anymore.


My thoughts.

1: Remove multiple levels level of difficulties in PVE raiding and go back to Wrath style of a Hardmode. Dungeons should give gear that should allow you to get into the raids. I’m not against the idea of mythic+ and I understand a lot of current player base loves it but I’d bring it back to a challenge mode that rewards gear and cosmetics in line with raid gear. The endless treadmill isn’t something I’m interested in getting on.

2: Lessen the gear gap in pvp. Make baseline pvp gear way easier to aquire and not so far behind conquest gear that players aren’t going to decide the grind isn’t worth it. [And add solo queue to rated play (and that wouldn’tstop you from still grouping with your friends btw)]

3: No more borrowed power systems. They can be worked into an expanded talent tree system. Spend all of that wasted time on balancing classes so people can play what feels good to them.


wish 1: End wow completely.
wish 2: Change some/most of the staff
wish 3: make world of diablo:Redemption


  1. Remove conduits or transform them all into something you already know and rank up via Anima. Item level caps could be fine if it was based around which raid is out. This would also let alts be able to socket the ones they actually need from the get go.

  2. Put more lore into the game. Stop putting it in outside sources such as books. Keep those books canon if you wish, but no more “only in book to know full story” nonsense about characters or crucial events for the game.

  3. Remove heavy restrictions on time gating. You can keep it slightly, but if people want to burn themselves out, let them. You’re not their mom/dad/caretaker. They pay you and if they want to grind for like a week straight… Let them. Maybe the small renown per week could have been bigger, at say, 6-8 per week. Time gating would still exist, but hey, at least it’d be done sooner.

  • Stop with the hot fixes to remove the extra xp gained from killing mobs in a certain area so we can level how we want, not how you want.
  • If you earn a certain CR in rated pvp, then you cannot drop below that. Some carries will be fixed that way.
  • stop rewarding greys that are in chests obtained from covenant and Korthia quests. And stop giving the same item twice in the vault.
  • Needs!!! update old content graphics (environment/armor/etc) and make old regions relative again. We need more race/class/spec customizations, more transmog, etc.
  • A good player housing system.
  • All professions are made meaningful again, and if that means you need to make friends with (or level your own) Blacksmith (for instance) to get a BiS item, so be it. I’m thinking more like the old Paladin Charger quests, rather than the current Legendary item system. It doesn’t have to be as complicated as FF (or even Legion), but even going back to Classic would help.
  • Make the Activision side of Blizzard care about the game as much as it did in WLK. I remember having an actual conversation with a GM about someone using racial slurs in chat. I had reported the guy, and the GM whispered me back. If Blizzard went back to the same level of caring as back then, in all aspects of the game, I’m sure we’d see a big difference in the product.
  • Alternate 3rd wish, because I don’t know how possible that previous one is: Revamp the old content, especially cities to keep it relevant. Quests that take you back to old areas. Revamping the Exodar and Silvermoon (and surrounding areas) so you can fly there. Maybe even discounts and special racial quests if you stay in the right area.

Other thoughts included: Bring back class halls, but updated for modern content. Fix PvP so that everyone would be happy (not possible), come up with some kind of endgame content that’s not a moving target, and that gives players something to do when they’ve “won”, whatever that means. Also a Black Market Auction House mount, just to be a slap in the face for the Longboi folks.

There’s a lot of room for improvement, but I’m not writing off the game completely just yet.


Activision splits from Blizzard and the original team comes back.

1: I’d convince Activision Blizzard spend money on a quantum computer (or to lease space on one) to handle server load of various Blizzard games including WoW which would unlock the ability to have large amounts of players in an area.

2: I’d make 10-20 weekly WPvP quests with good rewards and high difficulty.

3: I’d make it possible to get Frostmourne or Corrupted Ashbringer off the BMAH for transmog

1: Make 10.0 a WoW reset. Everyone keeps all their achievements, mogs, mounts, pets, etc, but the entire world is rebooted and we’re all back at the pre-launch of TBC, with Outland also getting the remake.
2: Thrall never gave Garosh the Warchief mantle. Perhaps as a high-ranking military officer, but keeps a close eye on Garosh because of tendencies to choices that borderline war crimes.
3: Sylvanas doesn’t turn into a “You are all nothing!”, wanting to murder everyone and turn them all into simp-slaves hot mess she is. She keeps to her “we raised you in hopes that you’ll join the Forsaken, but ultimately, it’s your choice.” Perhaps instead, another Forsaken takes a spotlight for a few minutes in New TBC and Wrath, and takes her place after she offs herself over ICC.

People should just let it go, it’s two fictional races that have belonged to both sides (Also Void Elves > High Elves/Blood Elves).

But Indra, you didn’t let it go for 15 years!

No sir, I never asked for High Elves, I don’t care.

1: Give Story as much importance as gameplay.
2: Stop the brutal time farm on your playerbase. In Shadowlands this is baaaad.

Not sure what’d be the third. Way more customizations would be neat, but not sure if it’s to save WoW. I guess it’d need more than 3 things to “fix it”.

  1. Fix the lore - stop butchering the old stuff, I thought nothing could be worse than what they did to the lore of the Shadowlands until they revealed Elune, mindblowingly bad
  2. Reset the game, I don’t care at this point how its done, Zovaal resetting reality or we wake up in N Zoth’s nightmare just something, even back to BfA so long as SL never happened
  3. Make a solo path of progression on par with all the end game paths
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  1. Cross faction PvE enabled.
  2. Remove borrowed power systems and instead develop new evergreen systems that persist through expansions.
  3. Quicken the pace of content releases and updates. The cadence through SLs sets an extremely bad precedence for future patch releases.

First wish, working infinity gauntlet with infinity gems.

Second wish the physique and powers of Goku or Gohan

Third wish set genie free under the conditions they can’t undo my wishes.

Use infinity gauntlet to forge wow to my wishes