You guys told me DPS is hardest in super high end content. Why?

How so exactly? I said a lot of things I’m not clear on to what you’re referring.

Tanks: Can survive most avoidable damage hits and all unavoidable damage just fine, most of their job is just routing, staying alive, and controlling packs. Optimizations make DPS/Healer jobs easier.
Healers: Can get one-shot by unavoidable damage and will be one-shot by avoidable damage. Their largest contribution is healing people through the unavoidable damage. Optimizations come down to healing efficiency and adding in damage which shaves some time off the timer with making their own job easier while needing to drink less.
DPS: Can get one-shot by unavoidable damage and will be one-shot by avoidable damage. DPS make the tank and healers job easier by performing well and are directly responsible for timing the key regardless of tank/healer optimizations because you can have an average group of DPS with a perfect tank/healer and still fail if the DPS isn’t up to par, as such, the DPS are forced to do more optimization sooner than the other two rather than accomplishing the binary tasks of ‘survive’ and ‘keep others alive.’

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That even the DPS healers are less demanding than DPS in higher end content.

Another day, another “game is easy” post by you.

Yeah bro, totally the point.

I know. You seem to be so obsessed with the difficulty of this game but not enough to actually do difficult content.

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It’s the hardest in raid, but not mythic+. It’s the most important thing in both, but importance doesn’t necessarily equate to difficulty. The answer also changes based on what period of time in the game we are talking about. Sometimes even what specific key we are talking about.

So, what’s the hardest in M+ then?