You guys told me DPS is hardest in super high end content. Why?

I made a post the other day asking what role is hardest in super high end content, and you guys told me that DPS is the hardest role in super high end content, but now I have a followup question: What makes it hard in high end content?

Getting into groups lol


Something about the question–I feel like you are an alien life form who just landed on Azeroth.


Happy now?

lol u win its so much more funny when u say it.

this is a good topic for discussion, and it’s outta my league (haven’t high-end dps’d), but I know that damage wins dungeons/raids, and maximizing damage output, minimizing damage intake, and syncing offensive/defensive cd’s around the group for max output is hard.

tanking is hard, too, but after the pull gets set up, generally there’s some calm, down time (seconds, but still), whereas, dps have to continually ensure their rotation is locked in, while maneuvering around stuff on the ground - where as tank, i get some relief from my poor positioning - most of the time.

If i may, i would liken dps to the rhythm section where as tank is like lead guitar: you will notice some bad notes if the lead is off, but wow, if the bass/drums are not sync’d - if they’re off beat - the audience will know that very quickly. they have to continually play in the pocket for the entirety of the song, whereas a lead has certain riffs, hooks, that folks listen for. Yes, I don’t know where heals go here in this analogy.

anyway…maybe that made sense? Iunno…


Yes :stuck_out_tongue:

I appreciated it before though! It just made me think of someone who has come to observe life lol. You can find out firsthand!

I haven’t really been doing much high end content lately–at least this patch. Idk how high end we’re talking–but in my last guild, the tank would do nearly no movement mechanics and easily live through what would 1 shot a dps. The need to pay attention, maximize!

Idk if it is really harder though. Tests a different skillset, if anything.

cool I wanna be the bass player with only 4 strings and for rock like easy kiss reps

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We’re mostly just the audience cheering the band on. :stuck_out_tongue:

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apparently Jimmy Haslip - awesome bassist probably most famous for his work in the jazz band Yellowjackets - played bass for at least one of the studio recordings of Kiss for Gene.

I legit was gunna write ‘background vox’ but that made my pretentious post get even pretentiouser

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awesomeinfo (10 letters)

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I have a tendency to make every other role the hardest role in the group.

Well stop doing that

also, you can type “< >” and put words in between those carrots (remove the ") and it will make that invisible, but still count for the 10 character limit to post.



It’s being able to execute your rotation, defensives and offensives in a very coordinated manner. In which when you are working on a boss, lining up CD’s is very important, along with being able to execute your rotation nearly perfectly to maximize your DPS output. While also make sure to minimize your downtime while working on a trash pack or boss.

Essentially what it comes down to is you have to essentially learn fights inside and out, through progress and logs, which isn’t easy to do at all. Given at times one misplaced CD usage and literally be the reason why a boss or trash pull fails. Due to failing the DPS check, or defensive checks bosses have in high end content.

Followed by if a DPS goes down, it yanks on the group hard due to having to make up for that DPS that went down due to the lowered output.

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OP is the only poster I have ever ignored on the forums due to his constant trolling.


in super high-end content, DPS must not only do all the mechanics correctly, but also not lose rotation, uptime etc. Healers are a reactive role so their job is easier when tanks and DPS play well. Tanks are heavily “played” by gear, have much more survivability to mistakes, and closely watched by healers.

at super-high-end content, dps gets one-shot for mistakes, and can’t take many precautions or their output suffers. They have to thread the needle a lot of times.

I remember Max telling to the melee on his team on Broodmother progression: “I don’t care about that, keep hitting the boss all the time”. Because they had to dodge a lot of fire and were not beating enrage.

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I think it’s because DPS just gets more and more important as you go to higher difficulty content. If people aren’t pulling their weight to the very best of their ability and parse extremely high, you’re going to wipe to a mechanic related to the lack of DPS. There’s far more DPS in a raid team than tanks or healers, and all of them have to be doing their job to an above average degree while also following all mechanics to a T.

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I wouldn’t say tank is exactly easy either if you’re not playing S4 VDH.

If you play prot pally in very high keys you need to be almost dead perfect with every single global or else you’re done for.