You guys ready to get Sylvanas to 1% and she yells 'ENOUGH!'?

I am expecting at the end of the expansion a “lol” nazoth actualy won, the shadowlands was just a dream and sylvanis ‘rescues’ us from nazoth

Oh I’ll remember her…as the most annoying character ever I could care less about.

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Everquest and EVE Online have been around longer and are still putting out xpacs. What makes you think this will be the last one for WoW ?

They have talked possibly exploring the other cosmic realms going forward.

oh, I don’t think she will just redeem herself…I think she’ll go on to be the SAVIOR OF THE SHADOWLANDS :upside_down_face:

Well it is a fact the void lords will eventually directly attack us and the light realm might also be involved.

I think she will get both death and redemption .

She will do something like freeing Anduin from the control of the Jailer in the fight and he will kill her and some how that will tie into the Il’gynoth prophecy of one her 3rd death she will usher in our coming freeing the Jailer to come to Azeroth (Old God prophecies actually don’t have to be about the void and if it is servants of the void would actually come to fight the jailer as they see death as the only real enemy .

The voidd actually doesn’t consider the light to be their enemy .

That AND lingering Jailer corruption to make Anduin edgy and willing to start the next faction war to both appease the folks who want a darker Alliance with racial tension and other stuff the horde already went through and continue the faction conflict that at this point is just a parody of a war story.

Yeah but that’s the celestial war were in. Were pawns of the light in a celestial war of light vs void for who will reign.

The last expansion you have to see this character ever again? Based on what? Your personal hatred for Sylvanas? Sorry to remind you but the alliance King Anduin Wrynn sees something in Sylvanas that many in the alliance are either ignoring or haven’t seen yet. I highly doubt Sylvanas’ story ends in SL. She’s insanely popular and a very well received one too.


your definition of genocide is very lax and kinda does a disservice or diminishes true genocide.

The Horde firebombing Teldrassil (an enemy stronghold) during wartime, is no different than the United States firebombing Tokyo with napalm, the atomic bombs, or the allied forces bombing Dresden and Hamburg and virtually leveling the entire cities, etc, and killing over a million of non-combatant innocent civilians in the process. These aren’t considered genocide, rather strategic wartime strategies to demoralize the enemy. Just because the civilian death toll is high in a wartime attack, does not equate genocide.

Genocide on the otherhand is the systematic removal/destruction of a whole ethnic population, if the horde were really attempting genocide, they’d of also attacked the Night Elves’ stronghold (Feathermoon Stronghold) in the south as well and the night elves over in Mount Hyjal, etc, and then also attempt to erase any trace/history of them as well (i.e. destroy statues, monuments, or other items of heritage, similar to what happened in real life genocides where the history of the people were also attempted to be erased).


Forsaken have wanted to do this to humans since vanilla.

Everyone will buy the book and read it hiding under the covers

absolutely will not. put the story in the game or get lost.

well if this rolls back time to before legion writers started this jailer fanfic Im all for it

What’s funny is Blizzard already tried this with Kerrigan. It’s often mocked, yet they didn’t learn their lesson.

Sylv went from one of my favorite characters pre-legion to being one of the most obnoxious Mary sues in the game. Danuser makes Metzen look like Tolkien.


We already had that in ICC. Does nobody remember Arthas’s “All according to kaikaku” speech? That the entire reason he got the Horde and Alliance to come to icecrown was so he could kill the fabled heroes of Azeroth and raise them as death knights? We may be getting that to a new extreme.

I think the more likely ending is we kill her, but her soul goes to the Jailer, considering she’s still “alive.”