I know I’m ready for her forced and totally un realistic redemption arc where she becomes untargetable at 1% and runs away and redeems herself somehow.
When blizzard doesn’t know how to do good storytelling they always opt for the enemy boss yelling ‘ENOUGH!’ And running away.
Causing mass genocide of an entire race? Check!
Killing a legendary orc warrior? Check!
Almost killing your entire raid group and will STILL somehow try and redeem herself? Check!
God I hate this character so much. She’s such an annoyance and I can’t wait to see her gone. She should have stayed a secondary, irrelevant character. She’s not interesting or unique. Just a recognizable face blizzard uses to sell subscriptions.
I’m so happy this is the last expansion I have to see this character ever again.
Mary Sylv?
I suppose she is, as you say one of the most saleable faces of the game.
Same might be said for Jaina Plot-Moar?
Not that I have an opinion on either, really… tries to hide giant Jaina and Sylvanas statues
I was hoping she’d be cut down, and saved post mortem, as it were.
Would be a good chance for all the paragons to work on her: removing the taint of her Scourge rebirth, exposing her pride and sins, healing her wounds and judging her service.
The campaign has set all this up. Would be a shame to waste what is, after all the very purpose of an uncorrupted Shadowlands.
Nah I think she’s dying. Sylvanas has no future anymore anyways, this is so clearly the end of her story.
Plus they wrote a book on her life. Which pretty likely means this long standing character is going out for good and so here’s a biography to remember her.
I doubt they “remove her entirely”, but I could be wrong. Honestly at this point I’m just watching the story writing / expansion get sucked through this vortex like a dumpster truck load of fertilizer heading towards a poor random baby murlocs face and waiting for the MERRGRLGRHG -splotch- all over it before the next crap storm of an expansion comes out.
Well, I wouldn’t go that far just yet. Blizz really seems to feel that Sylvanas is the epitome of characters with how they talk about her and what stuff she has done.
Tell that shirtless beefcake I’m going to hug him if he ever finds me.
But that was different. They don’t have to repeat the same things they did with other characters. Garrosh did what Garrosh did, but Sylvanas’s story is her own separate thing. They have nothing in common besides a dark time as Warchief. She put all her cards into this endgame. There’s nothing else for her past SL.
She will help kill the jailer and become the jailer. She will choose to be the jailer. One she wants to redeem herself. She wants to do it off her own accord.
She will choose to stay in the maw and giving an eternity of suffering to irredeemable souls
It’s coming out in November, the raid will be fully seen before the end of June. The Arthas novel came out 9 months before his raid which capstoned the expansion. This one is six months after she’s supposed to “die.”
There’s 0 chance she dies in the raid. You all need to come to terms with it and stop whining.
I’m ready for her to die then shapeshift back into whatever natural state of homunculus Jailer used to bodysnatch her and then in 9.2 we do the rescue the real Sylvanas raid