You guys ready to get Sylvanas to 1% and she yells 'ENOUGH!'?

Allow me to retort.
“Watch your clever mouth … (finished like the real Garrosh would have wanted)”

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There must always be…a Jailer!

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We all know that’s not true. Sylvanas won’t be disappearing anytime soon. Maybe she’ll go off stage, but she won’t be dead.

Even if she was, “death” was supposed to be permanent. Then we brought Illidan back. You think they can’t contrive a reason to bring Sylvanas back, if they made the unimaginable (for them) decision to actually kill Sylvanas? No, they’re the writers, they can bring her back from any contrivance they want.

Mass genocide

There’s only one word there that makes sense. “Genocide.” There is no “mass” to it. It’s already ranging from “attempted extermination” to “complete extermination.” There’s no “levels” of genocide in that sense.

Orcs tried to do so to the Draenei, first. Then to the Humans. They got smarter and tried to escape from it, but they did it. None of this “BuT tHeYe WeRe CoNtRoLlEd” nonsense either. Just because you got drunk and killed someone while driving doesn’t absolve you of your choices. You still did the thing, even if you weren’t in the right mind, because you chose to go to that mental place.

So… what? What’s your point?

Saurfang was always going to die someday. Orcs barely live 80 years at most. He was, in fact, well and clarified to be venerable by their standards. Saurfang was old as heck in those terms.

He wasn’t a legendary orc in his prime, he was an aged veteran who, despite having a storied history, had grown old. Sylvanas killed him, sure, but that wasn’t exactly outside the situation. Thrall used magic to kill Garrosh, Sylvanas used magic to kill Saurfang.

Yet no one has ever proven that you can’t use magic, and that Thrall and Sylvanas would be inherently wrong.

You mean like Magni “Champyun de’ woonz!?!?!?!” Bronzebeard? You mean like Nathanos “I’m a puppy without guidance” Blightcaller? Perhaps you mean, instead, something akin to Tyrande “My Love, Where Are You” Whisperwind?

Don’t be dense; none of the characters mean anything anymore. Do you know why?

Same reason DBZ has no real important characters besides the heroes. When you progress the hero beyond gods, beyond saints, beyond primal forces, there’s nothing left. It’s all contrived at that point.

WoW will never have a meaningful story that’s deeper, broader, and more nuanced, than the player characters actions, ever again. Not unless they neuter us and we stop being unstoppable forces for “good” (read: plot).


How is that a good comparison? He’s still dead and that won’t be changing.

I am not giving him the shoulders back. crosses arms

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I just wanna see her try and pull that crap and we just punch her right in her face

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That’s okay, if Blizzard can make up unbelievable crap, so can I! Sylvannas stumps her toe, Like, really really hard. In the pain and confusion she grasps her foot, cussing under her breath a s she hops backward only to fall off the edge of The Maw, to fall for all eternity.

For anyone being like “but she’s a banshee n stuff!” Well, did she unlock the corridor creeper or the other mounts yet? has she unlocked Shadowlands pathfinding? Nope! “But she’s been dead for so long and” Look, I made this up on the spot, and it’s still better than a 1% peace-out. Also I might be a little overtired.

…still the thought of an angry Slyvannas falling forever, arms crossed and looking annoyed makes me giggle.


if we want to split hairs, sylvanas IS dead… but that’s not the point. the point is that she’s followed similar story beats, and because she’s profitable, she’ll probably get the same treatment as garrosh. dead, not really saved, but not completely wiped out of the verse.

i mean it’s pretty stupid to think we could kill something so powerful as Sylvanas is. She’ll get her redemption and save us in the end.

But have you read her book?

You’re still wrong, Sylvanus is undead. Garrosh literally died, was brought to the Shadowlands and the Arbiter, and somehow ended up in the Maw. He can’t leave the Shadowlands.

I can’t wait for her to survive the encounter, the night elf tears will wash over blizzard and lets be honest, southern cali where blizzard is located could use the rain.

okay , buddy.

Got to hear Nathanos say enough over, and over again the last couple of expansions, so let her steal his limelight for once :laughing:

I’m not too hung up on the result either way. I think it’s okay to be critical of a narrative, but some folks take it too far.

With that being said, I don’t think she’s going anywhere. My theory is that we’re going to learn that her soul was severed and that “this Sylvanas” is only one half of the whole Sylvanas.

… That or she’ll sonic screech and fart her way out of the arena, I dunno. :man_shrugging:

One big happy Orc Mak’gora reunion

We’re in shadowlands, we can kill her, but her soul is just gonna end up back in the maw.

Which means she is still in the game, and we’ll see her again later - with Nathanos, probably.

Lol we aren’t going to kill her. As the book description implies:

But as her moment of victory draws near, Sylvanas Windrunner will make a choice that may ultimately come to define her. A choice that’s hers alone to make.

She will decide her own fate and we will all be forced to watch and accept whatever it will be.

Have we seen what happens when a “mortal” dies in the Shadowlands yet? I don’t mean the PC, that doesn’t count.

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I don’t think we have