You guys have to be trolling

yes, people are complaining to complain…not
thank you, come again
see you next time.

Lol thalia i love how you think im soooo triggered YOU must be so triggered since you keep coming back :rofl:

What does the ui not being complicated to edit have anything to do with my profile being hidden? LMFAOAOA also im not insulting anyone im just making a statement if you take as an insult then thats on you :man_shrugging:

I had one box that kept moving. I saved a new profile and it ok now.
However, every time I log in now the “Enable Interact Key” box is UNchecked. I keep having to go back in and click it again.

You can almost forgive those who cant seem to figure it out.
The ones i have no respect for are the ones you show exactly HOW to do it and they still are tossing tantrums about it.


I mean…it cant get any easier than that. and its close enough to the old UI to play…yet they either cant figure it out…STILL…or theyre screaming that its not a PERFECT replication of the previous UI.

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i believe it OP. it took me almost an entire gaming session to learn vuhdu & bartender once upon a time

a player that values performance & comfort will take all the time they need to get theirs optimized imo :100:

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I only did this for my raid characters which is only 2 at the most, all my other characters I just selected classic mode and finished throughout my alts.

Took me 15 minutes to fiddle and create my UI.

Classic mode is a already a setup version of the old UI.

I’ve seen some people trying to help and people still not happy?

The only complaint I have the icons are too small to see on the bottom right and upper right corner and quest icons can be a bit bigger in the map.

Maybe someone somewhere out there will make an add on for old UI.

You don’t, but the amount of skill you do need not all people have.

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This is true, this is new to older folks who don’t know the technology well.

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That looks like Tukui not Elvui but close enough :slight_smile:

It only took me like 2 minutes as well. I spent a lot more time trying to figure out the talent trees

Based post

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Sadly, they aren’t.

They’re really this helpless.

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Wow my post was flagged bc ppl cant click and drag things to where they want em and still complain about every little thing lol….truly pathetic

Still makes no sense, clicking and dragging things to where you want them takes no skill at all

Putting the UI elements exactly where you want it them is so elitist, you guys.

Drag and drop is new to older folks? Well if you are talking about veterans of World War I maybe.

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People 60+.

It didn’t take me long either. And once I figured out I could save and use the same interface setup for alts, things got a lot quicker! :slight_smile:

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Basic is not how you do high level content, anybody will tell you that with gear quality alone. If you can be good at it with the ‘basic bick’ type of UI then I’m not gonna judge. I had to spend some time personally to just make sure nothing interfered with my addons for raids and dungeons. I don’t look at a screen of mathematics and geometry for UI or nothing.

In terms of high-end content, I got my slime cat mount for season 4, s’all I really cared about for this season honestly and I got into it quite late for SL.

Hey some of us are picky perhaps even ocd

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You can do high level content with the default UI.

Maybe it’s a you thing.

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