You guys have to be trolling

I have to leave mine at default classic/modern because if i move my action bars other bars that aren’t even “action bars” move that aren’t even near the ones I move. I’ve tried unchecking snapping/grid and it still does this. I can work around it but this shouldn’t be a thing… In FF14 it’s so easy to move the bars you can almost do it on the fly. But if I do it here, I feel like it’s gonna mess my whole UI up and I will have to start over.

I feel like the only one having this issue. The default layout is fine btw, I just would prefer my bars at the bottom.

We do engage in a minuscule amounts of tomfoolery

Yep, the OP.

They were the exact same people having conniptions because the server maintenance got extended.
Every week it’s a new thing to whine about.
And we wonder why Blizzard never listens.

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my UI resets everytime i log they have yet to fix it

Or maybe we aren’t genius thinkers like you. I hate the new UI, why not just leave it as is, that is one thing almost nobody complained about or wanted changed, so why change it?

You insult people yet your profile is hidden?

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Lol took me 5 minutes to set up 2 profiles healing and dps. Unless you still use bunch of addons then maybe

UI isn’t what took me hours

Setting up all my action bars again, after picking talents etc is what took hours

My UI took about an hour, with some testing in solo content to make sure everything worked right. I prefer the old style so I just made my look be the old format as much as I can with larger icons.

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It did take hours to set up my user interface:

And it’s still a work in progress as I need to test the setup more.

Seems like you can’t say something nice? I swear you’re on this forums just to troll and give everyone your opinion how they are wrong. I told you before. You don’t like it move along ignore it

Take your own advice.

Also: it’s hilarious how you defend the OP’s toxic behavior. Nothing I said was trolling. As a matter of fact, it was actually on topic and addressed the fact that not everyone is the same and people take longer than others.

You? You purposely came in here not to participate in the discussion, but to attempt to insult me. That’s the definition of trolling.

Hypocritical much?

Put me on ignore and move on.

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Honey you should put most of the forum topics on ignore. How many posts recently came out about UI how they hate it but it’s understandable. It’s Us forums, Americans don’t like anything but wanna complain about everything. Like you for example

I took about 20 minutes, going off my base for all game UI/HUD, but then i saved it, and use if for everyone, adjusting per character, and saving a new profile. Its not hard at all. I’d imagine if anyone spent hours setting it up, 90% of that time was spent here, complaining, instead of just getting it done.

You’ve certainly proved your hypocrisy again, coming in here and complaining.

Either learn to use the ignore function or take your own advice:

Have fun trolling with more hypocrisy. :wave:

some are indeed trollin

I usually disagree with most of what you post, but I am 100% with you on this thread.

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It’s just drag n drop

It took me no time to get it basically to good enough territory for me

No idea how you’d spend hours, unless you want a very very specific look in which case you’re probably used to spending hours doing this kinda thing

Oh that’s totally bound to happen. Different people are different! It’s fine to not agree. We bicker but it’s all good! That’s what the forums are: a place to discuss our feedback and opinions. If we were all the same, the echo chamber would be boring. lol

To me, OP never once took into account how others feel or are. They just went straight to “you’re trolling,” because they did it differently and don’t care. Fine for him, not for others.