You guys have Officially made me Lose my Marbles!

Oh, another blindly loyal player who has opinions on threads he/she doesn’t even read.


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Well now it all makes sense!!!

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When will you learn!?

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Human male paladin? No, no, no, wrong name, that’s Sunday Shish-kabobs smothered in tangy duck sauce and seasoned with garlic, red pepper and sea salt. Don’t mind the screaming, it stops after a while.

Semper Fi! :us:


My my, I’ve missed out on a lot of drama on the general forums.

Everything has a breaking point, its only proper we find it for male human paladins. For science of course!


You have to reach trust level 3 on the forums which allows you to post gifs and pictures.

Blocking me on Twitter while you mope is a little cowardly. You’re spouting off about how “the Alliance is toxic and ruined” and that “people like me bully others for wanting Allied Races I don’t want,” but that’s not describing me. That’s describing you. I have never bullied people for personal preference, yet you’ve seen fit to decide who’s a “true Alliance fan” based on whether or not they want what you want. Should we look at how much you’ve mocked Night Elf fans on that very Twitter?

You’re talking about the Day of Retribution like it’s going to be some grand blow, but you know what? It’s going to do nothing. “Memeing” on this community will do literally nothing. We won’t feel bad about criticizing you because you’re showing yourself still to be well and truly worthy of that criticism. Wanna get this community to stop giving you crap? Maybe man up, stop playing the victim card, and own that you yourself have propagated and participated in the hostile community you complain about.

Get over yourself, Wallurian.



This guy freaks out like, at least once a week and his sentence structure is deteriorating rapidly. I should imagine his “retribution” is going to be a puddle of something or other, and redolent of something or other.


So the Meme Wars have begin?!

I stand at the ready to receive your Meme Wars against us rouges.

I disagree. I’m sure many would find it quite entertaining.

Unfortunately, I suspect dear Wallurian might not have the proper trust level for posting memes. Such a lost opportunity…

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Agreed. It’s best to consume such things Lightly.

Also, this made me realized there’s an untapped fountain of cross-memes with a Male Human Pally/My Little Pony motif.

I’m looking to Chachi to fill this unfortunate emptiness.

Begun, the Meme War has…

What’s her twitter name, please?
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oh…oops…I’m blocked too! lol

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Blocked. Blocked. You’re all blocked. None of you are free from sin.

How’s this guy supposed to roast us with his epic memes when none of us can see his account?


Sounds to me like someone needs to chill with some anchor weed.


You should have declared a war not decided a war.

Oh, wait. This meme war was going to happen on twitter? And OP is blocking everyone from even seeing it?? :confused: