You guys have Officially made me Lose my Marbles!

Actually, it’s a SammyClassicSonicFan reference. It’s even better if you read this whole post in his voice.


Oh goodness, youngsters these days.


I wish it was a Hook reference. That movie’s bomb as hell.

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Wait, this thread is back and there still aren’t any of OP’s threatened memes in it?

I feel cheated!


It really was. The 90s were a great time for movies, still felt like they were made for the fun of it.


Oh, don’t you worry. The dreaded “Day of Retribution” comes on Memorial Day or whatever… I’m sure we’ll all be devastated and sobbing.

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Well friends, the dreaded Day of Retribution has come and gone. What came of it? Well… a few memes, some interesting art, and some free reaction images of your’s truly! Thanks Wallurian!



Day of Retribution is here folks.

Oh dear. How ever will I handle all of this retribution?


I hope that is some kind of a joke. “Trust level”? Oh boy, the loyalty police are in full swing at Blizzard if that’s true. Especially since any time you say something negative about Blizzard you are rolling the dice on if you will be reprimanded.

As long as you respect the code of conduct you’re fine.

You can basicly be lawlful evil if you want.

If I find your marbles, can I keep them?

I lost my marbles long ago. Don’t think I want them back though, they make life less interesting.

Ya, they bend those rules/definition all the time based who you’re criticizing and how loyal you are to Blizzard. I know from personal experience, seeing people who don’t get suspended for the exact same things I was suspended for. The difference is they were loyalist insulting non-loyalist when and I was insulting the loyalist. Also, Blizzard’s idea of what a constructive post changes depending on who you are criticizing. If you criticize Blizzard you best have a lengthy section of positive fixes attached, the simple "stop doing (X) is not good enough, even though that may be all you want and the solution to the issue.

At least you admit you’re a bully.

Please fix your meme where you didn’t update my transmog.


y r u mad tho?

Hello Mods. I want this Thread removed because it allowed bullying, harassment, insulting, and toxic behavior that broke the rules of the Official Forums. If you see this thread please shut it down. It’s toxic and awful behavior that hurt alot of people. Thank you kindly.

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