How do you get rid of old posts on here?

I looked on the history of the forums and I found something I wasn’t really proud of. It was basically me starting a fight with people in terms of Famous Roleplayers from Wrymrest back in the day, Pro/Anti High Elf People, just random people on the official forums and etc.

So I ask myself how do I get rid of the old posts or atleast have the Mods shut it down for good. Because looking at it I wasn’t really happy with how I acted.

This is what I’m talking about.

The Day of Retribution has Come! Meme Wars have Started! - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (
You guys have Officially made me Lose my Marbles! - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

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Just edit them into oblivion.

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Sadly I can’t because ONE: I changed my name and moved to different server, and TWO: I don’t know how to delete them or get rid of it.

So I’m wondering if the Mods on here for Customer Support would help me atleast.

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Can’t you just delete it with the trash can? It just takes 24 hours or something.

If it was a diff toon, make a level 10 allied race on the realm and hopefully the name is still there.

Soon as you do that, give it a bit and the forums should update with that level 10 toon.

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No Because I changed my Name and since I did changed my name I can’t really delete the old threads.

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Pointing out the obvious here, but if you have a different name and a different server, why would you (or anyone else) care about something you said ages ago on a character that does not exist.


I like turtles


The posts will eventually be deleted when WoW 2 launches in 15 years. Just be happy that most ppl are not going to go searching for posts that old.

I like Platypuses (yes, that’s the correct way to say it, i checked lol).

I’m kind of sad it doesn’t show that my post was edited.

I think if you do it too quickly, it won’t show.

Just gotta accept that it’s there and move on. I mean, no one cares about old posts riling up RPers.

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Unless of course I did insult, belittle, harass, and bullying them of course.

That’s the reason why I’m hoping the mods or Blue Post People would shut them down. Because I got away with bullying and I’m not happy with it.

editing them into oblivion just means the daedra can see them and pass them along.

much better to edit them into skyrim where illiterate nords can’t pass it along.


Our characters look like brother and sister lol

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Double down on it instead

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I mean, now you’ve exposed what probably no one was ever going to see again.

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Hmm yea. I don’t know I wish I never made those stupid awful posts on here.

If you want to delete it make a character with the same name and server :slightly_smiling_face:
Don’t know if you need to be the same race but should do it just to be safe.