[FanFic] Wallurian's Story of his Depression

“Oh, give me a friggin’ break,” a voice emitted from the other side of the bar. A paladin, clad in blue and gold, glared daggers at the two as they had their racist rant, boisterous and indignantly sucking down the last of his chocolate milk. He clapped the glass on the table, sliding his chair out loudly on the wood floor.

“Would you wake up and smell the ashes, you armor plated child?” he fired back with an accusatory finger, his boots clomping on the floor. “We HAVE Quel’dorei in the Alliance - we never would have got where we are without the Silver Covenant. And in case you haven’t noticed, they’ve accepted those ‘unoriginal blueberries’ just the same as everyone else that made your fragile self cry.” Ben jabbed the finger at the bartender now. “And for the record, the Ren’dorei have been a huge boon overseas - because of their aid, the war campaign has been a smashing success. So maybe stop enabling entitled little Lightswingers like this guy, and start practicing saying thank you.”

Ben angrily pulled up another bar stool, deciding to make his own rant of this. “Now, you say the HORDE started to tease you? What the hell were you doing talking to them? Don’t you know we’re in a war? Oh, they teased you, what a beleaguered life you live… you’re lucky they didn’t burn you alive, like they did with those Night Elves you whinge so frequently about. And say what you will about the Sin’dorei, but they’re not obligated to return to the Alliance because of your nostalgia.”

“And funny enough this guy should criticize Othmar Garithos for his bigotry, cause right now, I see no difference between you and him. The Alliance has changed, and that’s a good thing, yet you’re getting hung up on the days of old. The Kaldorei, the Ren’dorei… I would trade a thousand of you to ensure they stayed with us. So why don’t you stop your childish whining, accept that we ARE generic knights - not that that’s a bad thing - and start taking this New Alliance as the blessing it is.”

Then he stood, righteously slapping the Hearthglen Ambrosia from Wallurian’s hand. “You don’t deserve that drink, fiend,” Ben spat, now fuming. “As far as I see it, you deserve every inch of abuse you get. You have disgraced all Alliance paladins with your bigotry, and I’m ashamed to even share a faction with you.”