You guys ever notice that Blizz never takes responsibility for mistakes?

I think you are a bit behind on the news fam. Blizz has been apologizing quite a bit the last few months, and diablo immortal was last blizzcon.

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Yeah this is one that I definitely agree that they should have apologized for. The lack or responses to questions concerning the potion followed by bans was odd.

I’m not sure that I agree BFA is unfinished. Many of the systems in place I don’t find fun but thats a different issue.

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These are all signs of a true bait and troll poster. Makes a post with a touchy subject that is an attack on the game makers … as a bait technique to get people to respond then trolls everyones reponse to it.

Definitely trolling. There is no point to continue the conversation with this guy, like at all… In fact i suggest he tells his story here…

You are right about most of my list are systems in place that are based on opinion. Finding some issues in a game that were a true mistake can be hard and probably should be thought about before just jotting them down.

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Hey no problem Like I didn’t mean to be a a**, just I really didn’t understand the position.

Questions are how we learn though so all is good.

Ughhh pretty sure Takata executives ended facing criminal negligence charges. I know you’re trying to be funny, but Takata were utter scum of a company that put millions of people’s lives in jeopardy.

Not a problem. If it is fact, it is a fact. It is just poor thinking on my part.

Working as intended. Still waiting on them to admit the blood elf mistake, and gnomes mistake lol.

So call your lawyer. Put up or shut up, as they say.

They’ve said this. Numerous times. However, the “and here’s how” part is where their credibility goes out the window. If they keep making the same types of changes that they then later down the road admit to being mistakes and apologizing for them, over and over, it gets really hard to take them seriously anytime they make a statement saying they’ve “learned their lessons and will do better.”

It could have been any mobile game and people would play it - there’s a demand for games you can play on the toilet. The difference is that’s a diablo blizz game and isn’t a run of the mill shi^ter time waste at work thing.

I can read a book page by page on the toilet, now you can push tap and sparkle on the toilet.

They should make a toilet paper app so people will mistakenly wipe their a$$es with their phonelets.

LOL!!! Lawsuit!!! If they decided to leave BfA as it is right and and said hey we are done this is the final product until the next expansion then that’s it! You don’t know what the “final product” is or ever will be. Go ahead kid and call your lawyer and try to sue for what you think isn’t complete. You literally have caused physical pain for me reading that.

SquareEnix, and FF14’s producer, apologize for darn near everything, even if they had no control over it. I have a lot of respect for them.


I can think of a couple tines in recent memory that ion has said something very close to this. So…argument invalid?

You must never watch Q&As. They’ve done it at least a couple times since bfa launch.

To be fair, Blizzard has built the most successful MMORPG to ever exist. It’s kinda like telling James Cameron to apologize because the tail plugs in Avatar were stupid. At that point all he really has to say is $2.7 Billion box office mic drop

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Old Blizzard was cocky but they made great games so we put up with them. Now they’re releasing trash and still trying to be cocky. It’s actually pretty entertaining to watch them flounder around.

  • Never legacy servers
  • Never PvE to PvE realm transfers
  • Never Cash Shop
  • Never character boosts
  • Never able to buy gold from Blizzard

All went back on, never said “we were wrong, you guys were right”. But we all know that’s the case.

Blizzard is seriously one of the trashiest game companies around when it comes to looking at posture towards loyal customers.

Only reason I’m showing up now is for Classic and WC3 Reforged but I’m absolutely certain new Blizzard will find a way to ruin both games eventually because that’s what they do best.


The troll is real. There’s a thing called exploits. You should read up on them. The stacking potion was very, very obviously an exploit. Even the streamers showing them knew without a doubt was an exploit, but did it anyway.

Also, bfa is a finished product. There’s really no saying it isn’t. Want an example of an unfinished product? WoD. That expac was missing an entire raid tier and the story that went with it.

They ignored issues with Azerite armor for over 6 months… lol what? Blizzard gets EXTREMELY arrogant whenever they put out a decent expansion.

The same Blizzard that begged for people to come back after the disaster of WoD for Legion told those same people they did not understand Blizzard vision on Azerite.

And they turned it in WoW with a different look lol.