You guys ever notice that Blizz never takes responsibility for mistakes?

I am fairly certain on more than one occasion I have heard Ion say. You are right and we need to do better in a few different Q and A sessions.

That would kjnd of invalidate everything you just said, would it not?


The guy didn’t chastise those gamers. How can you not be able to see he wasn’t uncomfortable with the reaction he got and he asked them a question in the attempt to understand the reaction. Was it an intelligent question no but when people get nervous they sometimes don’t say the best things.

Well they sorta do. I’ll have to dig it up but there was a “we should’ve listened to azerite feedback”.

Now the one the really irks me was the no flying decision and how they were silent about it… with the playerbase learning about it from a third party site. The paying customers weren’t even important enough to find out from the mouth of blizzard itself.

As far as the diablo immortal announcement you can see with the body language he knew what reaction he was expecting. The do you not have phones was panic. Sad part is the negative reaction would’ve been mitigated by a 10 second diablo IV teaser before or after.

For example…? I recall no specific instances of this being the case.

That’s because it’s a core system of the xpac. It would be like releasing a car with a dodgy engine instead of releasing a car with no engine.

BfA was released at the end of August 2018. Work was well underway on the new HoA by January 2019. Four months is a lot less than a year. You can say “no moves”, but the reality is the fix was being worked on almost immediately after the launch.

Because the fan base and stockholders are so understanding of production delays? And who gets to decide what is a “decent system”? Should they have waited for a unanimous vote of confidence from GD? If that was the case we would still be playing 7.3.5 today.

Based on what? Your own personal opinion? I think I’ll defer to the judgement of someone who has actually created and released an MMO that is a massive worldwide success over some random forum poster.

They admit after the fact and yet never actually seem to put in any effort to change their ways. They take forever to address common issues and attempt to placate the player base with those stupid Q&A sessions.

They never learn or they just don’t care.

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Exactly. They admit to the mistakes but they just seem incapable of learning from them.

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Oh I see now. Your one of those “Blizzard can do no wrong” types. Got it. Well feel free to hate on people speaking the truth. I’m sure one day Blizzard might pat you on the head and maybe toss you a treat for being such a good little fella.

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Pretty sure they have admitted in the past they made mistakes.

If the Devs are saying, “well yeah, x, y, and z suck harder than a pornstar” that’s not good for business or their jobs.

-> States Blizzard never apologizes
-> Is shown Blizzard does, in fact, apologizes
-> Moves the goal post, because of need to find a way that those apologies don’t count


Except that’s not what happened. At blizzcon, the answer was, “we have nothing planned for PC.” Their canned response later was to the backlash. And it wasn’t admitting fault. I am prepared to save the world from evil but I just haven’t announced it yet. Sounds good and all but it’s total BS. They’ve made it clear the main focuses now are the mobile market.

They react instead of being proactive. Fixing things takes too long for some reason.

Job security. Just like Congress.

Resort to insults when you don’t have a solid basis for your argument. Very classy.

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Sp you knew when you created this thread that you had your mind made up already, so why did you bother asking

And then you got rude when you didn’t get the echo chamber you expected.

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So it’s not an apology you want, but rather to have them grovel at your feet, begging your forgiveness.


I would say that at point they were probably right. Early Blizzard knew best at most times. They made great games and almost all their changes and implementations were for the better - and I get why at some points they would have said what they did was for the better (especially with vocal minority and what-not).

But once the old guard changed, boy has that not been the case at all. They have no reason at all to act like they know better anymore.

This right here. It’s never to the community, it’s during an interview or a Q&A when they say their backhanded comments like “We didn’t handle this correctly, or we over-corrected, or we didn’t anticipate this.” It’s never “We apologize.”

Part of that is maintaining a strong company image, sure. But the other half is the fact that you hold such low respect for your paying customers, you do not communicate that information to them.

They are not humble and they do not owe me anything. These facts are reciprocal however, and I think with all the news coming out this year they are starting to realize that.

No apologies, only excuses for:
No pvp vendors. Still not in the game
No flying in Draenor. Only to develop Pathfinder instead of max level gets to fly.
Azerite gear. Bad decision, since alpha & beta said they hate it.
Azerite necklace. Bad decision, since alpha & beta said they hate it.
An unfinished expansion: BFA.
Diablo immortal. “You guys don’t have phones?” Also a poor choice to show it in America.

I am sure they have apologized in the past; maybe sometime during, before and sometime after WOTLK. Then after that it went south, only excuses.

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Why should they apologize? They developed a product and you bought it. If you don’t like it you always have the option to no longer support it.

How many companies do you know of that are willing to apologize because the purchaser feels buyers remorse?

I have bought books that really suck but I don’t demand an apology from the author. I’ve bought new burgers from fast food restaurants and when I don’t like how they taste I choose a different burger.

This isn’t meant to be condescending, I agree with you that many of the above issues suck. I just don’t understand were your coming from by demanding an apology I guess.

Yeah, and I can quickly as easily just cancel my sub, which I did. Then I came back because I thought the next patch would bring something, only to learn the next patch maybe in a couple of months. So, I have to cancel my sub again.

This has nothing to do with buyers remorse. This has to do with some of their own faults. Like the stacking potion problem that they made for the game. Then decided to ban the people that did it because it was in the game. Of course this was before I resubbed, but it does prove that they will easily blame the consumer for their own mistakes.

Yeah, I have bought games and movies that suck. I just threw them away. As I have said this is not buyers remorse.

BFA was suppose to be a finished product. It is not. That is misleading the consumer, which could have caused a lawsuit or so on.