You guys ever notice that Blizz never takes responsibility for mistakes?

I have repeatedly made my points and your only response has been. Nuh uh Blizzard good BFA great ya ya. I’m not going to waste anymore time trying to dumb it done for you when you obviously miss the point completely.

Looking at your other posts I’m not surprised. Your just another white knight for blizzard waiting on your treat like a good boy.

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If you don’t learn from your mistakes then what good is an apology?

Have you been reading the PTR forums? Sounds like the answer is no.

Hey, if you want to talk about a new topic…thats fine. But the OP specifically stated that they never stated a real “we messed up”. So that is what I am referring to. And it is the only thing I am referring to.

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I’ve noticed that about Apple…and Comcast…and Google…and about 20,000 other corporations. Why should Blizzard be different? I can’t imagine ANY corporation making public apologies for being less than perfect.

Please give me 3 examples of major companies that DID “take responsibility for mistakes”, in the way that you want Blizzard to do.

Last time I looked, WoW was the best game in MMO history. Any “mistakes” are only mistakes in YOUR opinion. That doesn’t get a public apology. It is a corporation, so success is measured in dollars, not in your opinion.

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I remember Ghostcrawler nerf Evasion in WOTLK for rogues because he didn’t want Rogues to tank because someone actually did that back in BC when a rogue attempted Black Temple. They Buff Overpower allowing Arms to never miss an Attack when dodged to the point of doing more damage as punishment to players that dodge the attack which reward Arms warriors and Furry Warriors to do more damage you can ever imagine which other classes had to suffer for if as well if the Warrior misses it did more damage. Ghost was trying to balance it but he didn’t realize the mess he caused when people left the game.

“Begged”? Really? I must have missed that. Where did you see a company spokesman “begging”? On CNBC? CBS?

I suspect this “begging” only happened in your imagination. From what I’ve seen, Blizzard pursues new players. They don’t ask players to “come back”.

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They’ve said they messed up up before Azurite, BFA in general, flying in WoD, Wod in general, HFC mythic, parts of mop I think it was the dailies, I’m sure theres more

Prior to Blizzcon, Blizzard released this video:

They stated that “multiple Diablo projects are in the works.”

They also released this statement: which they tried to temper expectations. Again, multiple projects in the works, to be told when the time is right.

There was no announcement for any other project at Blizzcon but “we have nothing planned for PC.” was not a statement they made.

Blizzard co-founder, Allan Adham has said this: “We know our audience here is passionately PC- and console-focused” and that backlash towards Diablo Immortal was expected and also that “we knew our audience here desperately wants to see and hear about one thing in particular” “At Blizzard, we don’t announce things until we’re ready. It’s all about game quality, less about timing, all about delivering an overwhelming experience to our players”

“There are actually two distinct teams,” Adham said. “That’s something we tried to communicate. I know our community here, there’s a concern that we are focused on this instead of that. The truth is that we have multiple Diablo teams working on multiple unannounced Diablo projects even after announcing [ Immortal ].”


So NO, they have NOT “made it clear the main focuses now are the mobile market.”

Again, your knee-jerk, reactionary, completely false narrative isn’t going to help. Do some research. Seriously.

i just remember his “get good” post. street had his good moments, and bad moments.

there’s some truth.

Get off your high horse or don’t respond. It only makes you seem idiotic.

You seem to be something of an authority on idiocy. I’m sure you come by it honestly.

GC, the dev that told the player base to lrn2play?

I see your a dead on the boards, do you not have a soul?

DKs, they knew and admitted that a demigod had been created when released. Just took a while to tone them down.
Cata heroics were mythic tuned when released and eventually toned down. I cant recall if they admitted any mistake with that one.

Yea…I’m going to need a source on that, because I’m 99.999% certain they never said that.