You guys enjoying Earthen?

Makes sense


IMO looks, immersion/‘realism’, mechanically, perks…I’m definitely not into the cartoonish look. Dwarf and DID are much batter with much better perks and personality immersion to boot… Earthen are rather blah and emotionless almost drone like…

If feels like Blizzard felt compelled to make the new race, so they intentionally sabotaged it so only hardcore RP’ers would want to play it. I think Ion was MOSTLY sarcastic when he said “We don’t want you to play demonology”, but it would seem they really do not want people playing Earthen.

There really is no reason to play them unless you’re a hardcore RP’er and want the immersion or new experience… As you implied they are probably the worst race.

The racials really need to be changed to make them attractive to 99%+ of the playerbase.

Cool race, awful racials.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to make an empowered spell their DPS racial should be sat down and given a stern talking to.

Give them something boring like 1% Crit and a solid QoL racial like buffs persisting through death (cause they don’t technically die, they just shut down or whatever") and they’d be very solid.

Probably would if I had a reason to have yet another character.