You guys enjoying Earthen?

I’m looking forward to playing one.

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Its literally a bigger dwarf with crystals coming out of its body.

Aesthetics and lore-wise, super cool. The racials have been a big pain point for myself and many others, but I’m hoping they continue to adjust them.

I will say, probably a hot take, but they have the coolest Paladin mount in the game.



I’m leveling one up for the achievement and transmog, but I won’t be playing one at max level until their racials are sorted out.

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i used my free 70 boost on one it was the shaman lol
when they get open to other races race change lol

For all the beard haters…

My Earthen is fantastic!


i am surprise that the dark iron weapon mogs still work for mogging lol

I am race changing back off it. The food buff and eating system is completely broken. The buff drops off after death in content and can’t be regained by eating. You can’t get a mainstat food buff, nor can you get other food buffs (such as +fishing skill from Ghoulfish Delight). Their attack racial, azerite surge, is completely useless.

Basically if you choose earthen you’re locking yourself out of content and basically just making the game worse for yourself. If you play WoW in any capacity, be it casual or serious, you should avoid the race.

Very sad as I like their lore and appearance.

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Hopefully they never fix it. Also hoping they don’t fix the Earthen starter gear to not work on other races. Because I love that backpack.

if they have not fixed it when the weapons was out they might not fix it

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But the hair and body colors are different.

They’re actually a bit different than that. The hair even looks like wire and everything has that metallic and crystal sheen, as well.

They’re oddly more interesting than I thought they’d be.


I am definitely enjoying them. The racial isn’t a huge pain point for me, especially since I rarely get the well fed buff on any other toons. It’s only important to people trying to squeeze every little thing they can for maximum output. (Nothing wrong with that either)

I enjoyed it for about 30 minutes. They look awful.

How are you enjoying shaman so far this expansion? Debating on leveling one up.


My lovely lady has a beard too. Any proper earthen woman has a beard.

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Yes they do. The paladin ram is cool.

Not my cup of tea, I was never a dwarf enjoyer.

Is it bigger than the other dwarfs. I maybe interested.

What else is different. How is the animations.

Giving us those armor sets from the start is not something I was expecting! Such a treat!