You guys do professions anymore?

I just rolled a NF Hunter and though about doing some LW and Skinning. I do have complete set of heirlooms, but feel like this character never earned it. So i decided to make my own things, etc.

I know you can get gears from drops, loots, quests, etc. Wasnt sure if Leatherworking is worth invest in.


For leveling, not really. You can if you want to though. Just you’ll out level the crafted gear pretty quickly and replace it with quest drops. Don’t even need to worry about heirloom gear

YOU earned it though… dont let Kynodsahdf suffer for nothing.


Alchemy is pretty fun. Is also a cash grab.

like normercy said you have earned the looms gear
all the loom gear does is it lvls with you till the cut off lvl you have.
its not that op like other players seem to whine about.

and lets say you made a lvl 15 chest you dont know when you will get an upgrade chest could be 20 or 25

Professions are very relevant and I certainly do them! Usually I’m making around 1/2 a token+ a day off of crafting orders, in addition to big sales.

the first week of the expansion it is but after a few months it drops like a rock

Honestly I tried very early. Realized that the professions were still more annoying than I would have liked and effectively abandoned them again.

If anything I should just pick up a gathering profession, maybe then I’ll get some use out if them.

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I craft potions and phials for me and the alts. Saves money.

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I’m leveling up Classic Blacksmithing for Naxx gear but not sure if that really counts. I’ve neglected my engineering profession because the only way to level up is make useless crap that I can barely even use until you can make the toy.

you dont need it if someone can make the item for you
if talking about the tier 3

This is the most useful that most professions (poor engineers) have been in a very long time. I think the last time I took crafted gear (I’m not counting SL legendaries) into raid was like the first patch of Cata. So it’s nice that they gear isn’t completely useless once you are clearing heroics.

I wanted to get loremaster in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor with a new Horde and Alliance so I thought I might as well level up the profession with them and make it myself.

Why do I feel the need to say that sounds a bit untrue?

do you have the achievement call Drop Dead, Gorgeous?
if you don’t you can not make the item for tier 3



almost all of my prof skill up points this expansion have come by way of the Darkmoon Fair monthly quests

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Yup! I had Merchant Artisan within a month and a half of launch. The crafting order train has kept on chugging!