You guys are only listening to WoW Community Council Feedback

mop remix is already dead there not going to release anything new just increase bronze maybe do something with back cape

It is kinda bs yea.

The issue with gear is that it’s costs are linear but gains exponential. You end up paying 80% of the costs upfront for only a bit more than half of the total power gain. If the costs per level matched the power gain I don’t think people would be complaining at all about it (the first tier would be like 200 bronze a slot but the last would be like 75k a slot) since the power gains would actually match the costs.

That’s way to technical of a point for the community council members to make apparently.

I mean they’re probably not gonna pay more than one guy to go through feedback (they’re probably even just part-time at it), so I understand why it was done that way, but it seems like that sort of thing is more the meta issue. Remix would have gone a lot better with a few extra brains working on it in the first place.

You missed the point of what I was saying. They funnel it down so it’s not just scrolling through the same stuff.

Example: “A large majority of forum posters as well as in game believe bronze is not rewarded at a fitting rate to complete the event in a reasonable and healthy manner.”

Got this ^? Now what if it was reworded and reposted everywhere and you go ‘I understand, people believe there needs to be more bronze for this reason, okay another issue’. Now they have to go through all of one issue to find what else needs adjusted by community response. This becomes much more taxing to hear what players think.

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I already have everything I wanted (which admittedly was only one thing: the cloak toy to access Ordos) but I still feel like the bronze should have been able to be earned evenly between:
a) open world questing leveling content
b) normal-level instanced leveling content
c) heroic/mythic-level instanced content
…and ALL rewards were available in the first two because this was suppose to be a fun causal leveling event, instead of just more race-for-endgame-and-then-race-thru-instances game play like the main game is.

That way people who were doing the event to level alts would make the same amount leveling a series of alts as those who prefer re-running endgame content ad nauseam, and those who prefer to level thru questing would make the same amount as those who prefer to level thru instances.

Personally, my only real disappointment (other than the revealing spitefulness of certain people over the froggers) is the race-thru-instances game play but I know that is a player-created problem and nothing Blizzard can do anything about.

Other than that, am having a great time with the whacked out talents and am glad Blizzard came up with such an inventive idea!

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If they haven’t figured that part out yet, then hearing the CC members say it again won’t make much of a difference.

I think it’s intentional.

So now you are caught up, now you understand your voice is heard, Blizzard just doesn’t agree with it. Maybe things will change with the surveys and CC forum.

True. They could’ve. I got the survey so I’m not too worried about it but I can see why others feel excluded. Although as others have mentioned, I think the devs are quite clear as to the feelings over here! LOL

Your definition of a game being dead is no new content? This is a 90 day limited event. How often do they need to release new content for it to be considered “alive” I wonder?

and this was released 2 weeks after season 4 launched, and the beta for the next xpac launched yesterday. that dude must not be paying attention.

we gave them feedback very early and loud about gear upgrades costing way too much. They said no, too bad so sad for anyone playing the game as intended without farming frogs. Now they’re asking the community council and almost all of their posts are saying the same thing, that gear upgrading is atrocious. Now the question is will they actually listen since we have been saying the same thing for weeks, or are they going to double down and give remix an early grave?

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My gear has been fully upgraded for a few days now. Not only did I not touch frogs or any hyperspawn spot, I haven’t done any farming at all.

I wouldn’t say listening. It’s the same BS they do with the CC all the time. They post a question in there and then never follow up on it or talk with anyone there and if they do it’s usually nothing of substantial worth being said.

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I found the CC’s opinions much less positive than my own. Also, some of the complaints made me wonder if some of the CC commentors have even played Remix enough to have an opinion. Plus, the entire post about some Black Desert player’s experience was just odd.

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Me, playing the game since 2004, just realizing there’s something called a WoW community council. :confounded:

I think “barely” is a bit of an exaggeration.

Tbf, it feels like most of our posts we’ve had over the last 2 weeks have been the exact same things that have fallen on equally deaf ears. Check out some of our more extensive posting, we’re trying.
But yes, our forum is looked at more closely to an email than youtube comments as someone said so we do our best to articulate what we can, try to upvote our replies you agree with as best you can and I’m sure many wouldn’t mind scouring these threads to voice more broad sentiments.


Don’t worry, you didn’t miss anything.


I can assure you I can attest to at least 80% of the names I saw in the reply thread have been posting about their gaming in our discord, and they, and myself, have played multiple days worth of hours so far.

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I can attest that 20% is “some”.