The quest ‘You go first’ is bugged, I cannot fight the first guardian of Kalliope. I click the brazier in the first room after disarming the trap, and it doesn’t do anything. The black cat statues do not come to life. I watched a youtube video for this and read the wowhead comments, seems to be bugging for a lot of people.
I even tried dropping and picking it back up, in/out of group, wm on and with or without disguise. This is stopping me from getting the sojourner achievement and is very frustrating.
Still bugged. I can get the four little ones to attack but then there’s a long delay and they reappear. Can’t get the big cat to be attackable at all.
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Same issue here. I’ve come back a couple of times (since yesterday) and none of the mobs will attack.
same issue here too, still bug
Also having this issue. Tried dropping and reacquiring the quest, logging out, dropping the disguise, leaving for a while and coming back, joining groups to get to a different shard/realm, and nothing worked.
I had the same issue just a few minutes ago - I was able to get past it by turning War Mode on and flying back and doing the quest.
Also having this problem. Tried everything that the WoWhead comments said they tried to fix it and none of it worked for me unfortunately.
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Same problem here, for two days now. Tried all the tricks & nothing works.
still bugged as of 11-30-2020 Echo Isles realm
hey, Blizzard WHEN are you going to fix this!
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There is not even a brazier in the first room now as of today … , tried submitting bug report through the system and the submit button stays grayed out
Issue still persists. Seemingly impossible to complete, making loremaster subsequently impossible.
I’m also experiencing this bug, there is no brazier to click and activate this guardian at all.
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Yep still bugged, no thingy to click anymore.
Maybe just remove the intractable and just make the guardians a normal spawn?
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This one was still bugged for me as well. No Brazier. No visual cues. I disarmed the traps and can even reach the spear at the end but nothing happened without killing the guardian.
I worked around this: I used LFG to join a random party- this changed me to their shard, which loaded in the brazier and allowed me to trigger the encounter. I then abandoned whatever poor group whom’s time I wasted.
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Bumping post - Also stuck on the same quest for my Loremaster of Shadowlands.
Quest showed up in the bug fixes the other day.
Must have gotten re-infected because it still doesn’t display anything to click on to start the fight.
This worked exactly as you stated thanks for the tip
I had high hopes today’s patch would fix this, but it’s still bugged.