You ever do carries just because the people are decent?

Last night I was helping my wife level a new priest through SL dungeons. I’m not going to claim to be a super geared uber leet tank. But at 260 ilvl normal SL dungeons are pretty trivial.

After a couple pulls one of them actually SPOKE. it was weird. he asked what I was doing in there. (my wife was guildless on her alt so it wasn’t blatantly obvious what I was doing there. They started being extra helpful, since their DPS wasnt needed they would run ahead and unlock the stat shrooms in mists, then later get the puzzle done while I was deleting the packs, all while chatting and having a decent time.

After we got done rather than drop group and requeue like we normally do while I’m helping her power level, we just kept the group going for about 6 more runs, until she dinged 60.

At the end I added a couple onto my friends list, and had a grand ole time without making any actual character progress for myself.

Sometimes its fun just to do something nice for people. You ever help out low level people at all?



Well I mean I would argue you didn’t do it selflessly. Nobody actually is truly selfless. Anything anyone does they do because it benefits themselves in some way even if it their own sense of satisfaction.

You were helping your wife. Even if it was platonic and just to make her happy, it was still your motivator.

With that established, yes I’ve helped out bunch of random folks usually because they ask or I’m so utterly bored and in the mood to go flex my shinies and do a random act of kindness…still doesn’t make it a selfless act since the primary drive/motivator is me and what I want.


yea i got two stories for this.
first is a group in bfa. it was a 5 underrot on bursting tyranical week. me and my good friend ol winnie the pooh (guardian druid) aka big chungus joined.

we wiped 5 times on that 2nd boss. one of the dps left but the healer and a hunter stayed. they clearly didnt understand the mechanics so we said… " lets get em in discord ".
dude they where a young married couple, kid you not they where 20 and 19. engaged at 14.
they where open free spirits bro. got em on freind request.
they havent logged on in 2 years ._.

second story happened to me. dude there was this awesome undead mage called burntcorpse ( was in bfa ) carried me in 2’s just to get me the full pvp set.
multiple nights me and him would get in a SKYPE call. yea, skype. 2005 feels. still was fun to hang with.
best bus driver ever.

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You must be fun at parties.


all the time. i spend a lot of time every week helping with 16ish carries. i also don’t mind helping carry somebody in a full pug if it’s mentioned up front and the person that brought them can make up for it.

I don’t because I can’t find any. Blizzard killed the community aspect of this game. Interactions like this occurred daily in vanilla. Now everyone flies over each other.

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I’m typically the one being carried because I have a hard time keeping up with folks these days, so I try to pay it forward by providing mats/consumables and help out their alts, or help with achievements, etc…


JFC how many fedoras did you wear when writing that post. xD

@OP: Glad you were able to make some fun for folks!


I like joining LFR jailer and dealing twice as much DPS as second place. At the moment I’ve just been doing it once a week, but the groups have been pretty chill. Kind of fun, I wouldn’t consider it a carry, but the extra consistent DPS is enough to save the group at least one attempt.


Yeop. One of my fav things to do in a dungeon, when I have the time. I’ll spam queue after it is over, and whoever wants to stay is welcome to. I do it in reg dungeons, TW, holiday dungeons, will stick around in mythics if people are running more. If the group is good, awesome, glad to lend my healing/tanking skills if it helps nice folks out.

However, if people are being tools - welp, no use there. I don’t bother. Won’t waste my time on it. Leave, ignore if needed, move on.

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Such is the power of social interaction within an MMO! I certainly haven’t done/seen anything like that in modern WoW, but I also tend to stay away from most group content that isn’t PvP these days (on the rare occasion that I’m subbed).

That kind of thing used to be fairly common just by necessity though. Most of my WoW friends from Vanilla-WotLK were people that I just randomly fell in with.

I do. A lot of times when I go dungeon farming, I’ll find a player sitting at the entrance, toss an invite, and run them through.

Most the time, they are just trying to get dungeon quest completed.

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Yeah I got this a lot in classic. People grouping up to do wailing cavern or VC.

Not only that but you really rely on each other to complete a dungeon. Each class brings a lot of utility essential to your survival.

Retail wow it’s almost as if you need the other people there because the mobs are a DPS check. Otherwise everyone would just solo it and they have that solo mentality.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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I hear where you are coming from. You are going to get heat for saying it. I wouldn’t bother saying anything though. It’s like you are at a party with wealthy people and one of them tells a story about helping out the peasants then patting themselves on the back for doing it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I have had many friend list invites over the years for doing stuff like this but the reality of it is that after adding them there is a really small chance you will ever talk to them again. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The heat doesn’t bother me which is ironic because I hate being hot IRL. In any event, I say what I say any people are free to agree or disagree. I’m not sorry though that it is an uncomfortable truth for folks to swallow. Their choice if they still want to think they are being kind an noble and stuff. Ignorance is bliss.

Still doesn’t change though that the lives of random strangers are improved when our own selfish whims end up benefitting them too. It is a better alternative than the selfish acts that actively hurt others or, at best, are indifferent to them. I’d much rather live in a world where people are tripping over themselves all trying to one up each other by doing random acts of kindness to each other than one where everyone is backstabbing and cutting each others throats to get ahead.


I do a lot of pvp carries for gold but a lot of the time of they’re nice I tell them to keep it lol

I help out other people, just because it might make their day a little better, is that so wrong? Imagine being anxious about running a pug, and some person comes in that’s overgeared and willing to not be a douche.

You and Aud really have to stop having an elitist attitude. I don’t think it’s affecting you in any way, shape or form on how other people play the game. If you don’t want to help, that’s fine, it’s your $15 a month. But, judging other people for helping others, that’s how we spend our $15 a month.

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What a poorly thought out analogy you have there. “The peasants…”. Nobleman were disgusted by peasants at the time, even horses were treated better. If someone that’s geared helped out someone that wasn’t, then the one being carried isn’t a peasant. I would say he’s more of a squire, while the carrier is a knight of renown, trying to impress thy fair maiden.

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I remember one particularly helpful thing I did for a lowbie :

I was hanging out in Warspear. I read in general chat that someone was asking for help. Some lowbie got a port there, but wasn’t sure how to get to the area in Frostfire to start his Garrison - and he didn’t have WoD Pathfinder.

After a conversation, I offered to fly him there on my 2 seater Blizzcon Blimp. He was thankful and I felt good about helping a random lowbie stranger. I flew him over, and he received the aid he needed.